Thursday, February 5, 2009

Second-Hand Drugs May Be As Dangerous As Second-Hand Smoke

Most of us have heard of genetically-modified food. Corn, soy, sugar cane, rice, and so on, have been genetically engineered, usually to increase resistance to pesticides so growers can use them in amounts that would normally kill the plant. The practice is controversial - primarily because there is no proof that the modified foods retain the God-given elements necessary to sustain life. The increased volume of pesticides being ingested by people who eat the food is also a problem. This is just one of the many ways in which our food supply is being destroyed. The latest danger on the list is trace amounts of Prozac and other prescription drugs found in our water supply and, consequently, contaminating those of us who eat the fish (just like mercury) as well as contributing to the fish's extinction.

Second-hand drugs aren't any better for us than second-hand smoke and those who are against prescription drugs - unless it's really a life-saving situation - might consider rallying round the flag to get people to stop taking them.

Studies have being conducted for years to determine what drugs are in our waste water - which is recycled into drinking water and, while the cleaning process does get rid of major bacteria, it doesn't get rid of the drug residues. They've found trace elements of cocaine and a number of other drugs in waste water and, in fact, the information is used by police to determine which drugs are big in which areas. They can't narrow down what house it's coming from, but they can nail the neighborhood.

The latest study, the results of which were announced at the 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting in San Francisco, found trace amounts of Prozac in rivers and streams and concluded that it caused mussels to prematurely release larvae - their kids. The premature larvae are not fully formed and can't live, which means the mussels are becoming extinct.

Will the Prozac eventually cause similar problems in humans? We already know that taking Prozac endangers the health of the newborn. A newborn whose mother took Prozac can have retarded growth, quick, shallow breathing and other breathing problems, can't get enough oxygen when feeding, can have low blood sugar, low body temperature, poor muscle tone, is unable to cry, and doesn't respond appropriately to pain.

Prozac also causes 'reproductive toxicity,' which is a problem for both men and women, and can result in infertility, miscarriage, menstrual disorders, changes in sexual behavior, inability to achieve orgasm, and so on, for both the adults and their children.

If you are considering becoming pregnant, it's wise to get off Prozac or any other drugs that aren't strictly necessary long before conception. In fact, it's also a good idea to go through a full detox program to get residual drugs out of your system. These programs are sometimes offered at an addiction treatment center. Check with a drug rehab referral service; their counselors are familiar with all the different types of programs and can help you find one that offers that service.

Prozac is not the only drug found in our water, our fish, and other food (animals that drink the water and plants from farms that hydrate the soil and water plants with contaminated water are also a problem.)

As the numbers of people taking prescription drugs increases, so will the second-hand supply being forced on an unsuspecting public - namely, you and I, our kids, our family members, our friends, and so on.

There are warnings all over the information inserts about the side effects of the prescription drugs we take. If you don't want to damage your own body, and you don't want second-hand drugs damaging others, the environment and our food supply, think twice before you take them. And if you're already hooked - if you have a problem with prescription drug addiction and can't stop taking them - or if you are taking a drug that's dangerous to simply stop taking, contact an addiction treatment center for help.
Free Article on Drug Abuse

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