Friday, February 6, 2009

Cocaine - Death On The Loose

When it comes to addictive drugs that are often abused, cocaine leads the way as one of the most powerful illegal substances on the street. Many who have dabbled in the use of cocaine (even if only for one time), the chances of becoming hooked are quite high. One can never truly control their body's need for the drug once it has undergone an experience. Numerous individuals will continue to use cocaine, eventually developing an addiction that wreaks havoc on their social and personal lives, as well as job performance, emotions, and health.

Cocaine is often sniffed, snorted, injected, or smoked (which involves the use of crack cocaine or free-base). Snorting cocaine powder through the nose allows the drug to enter the bloodstream through the nasal tissues. The use of a needle releases the drug straight into the bloodstream, while smoking sends cocaine vapors into the bloodstream through the lungs. Injecting and smoking quickly intensifies the effects of cocaine because it makes contact with the bloodstream faster than other methods of use.

Effects of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine users often suffer from the effects of the drug throughout their central nervous system. Peripheral blood vessels become constricted, pupils dilate, and an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature may arise. Some users may succumb to periods of anxiety, irritability, and restlessness. In the worst cases, cocaine users may experience sudden death at first use, but at any time, the threat of unexpected death may occur. High doses of cocaine or constant use may also lead to paranoia, aggressive tendencies, nasal damage (when snorting), seizures, or cardiac arrest.

Getting Help for Cocaine Addiction

Since cocaine use is a dire problem in today's society, there are many different resources that help people overcome their addiction. A wide range of treatment programs and opportunities are available for cocaine addicts, including both inpatient and outpatient techniques. Self-help groups are a popular way that cocaine addicts cope with leaving their drug of choice behind.

Many of these associations work from a 10- or 12-step model that aims to prevent a relapse, as well as help individuals stay on track. Medication, counseling, and additional meetings also help break the cycle of drug addiction. To find a self-help group, a wealth of outlets can guide one in the right direction, such as doctors, counselors, the phone book, library, and across the Internet.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine, as a stimulant, mimics the action of chemicals the brain produces to send messages of pleasure to the brain's reward center. Like adrenaline, cocaine increases the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. When the stimulation goes too high, it can also produce feelings of panic, paranoia, hallucinations, and rage that can even progress to potentially fatal seizures and strokes.

Treatments for cocaine addiction vary, based on a lot of factors including the severity and length of the symptoms, the amount of damage done from the cocaine use, and the rate of recovery. The most common symptoms of addiction usually noted are drug cravings, irritability, loss of energy, depression, fearfulness, wanting to sleep a lot or difficulty in sleeping, shaking, nausea and palpitations, sweating, hyperventilation, and increased appetite. These symptoms can commonly last several weeks -- even after one stops using cocaine.

Medications to treat cocaine addiction are not yet available, although researchers are working continuously to identify and test new options. The most promising experimental medication existing seems to be Selegiline, which still needs an appropriate method of administration. Disulfiram, a medication that has been used to treat alcoholism, has proven to be somewhat effective in treating cocaine abuse in clinical trials. Antidepressants are predominantly prescribed to deal with the mood changes that usually come with cocaine withdrawal. Treatments are being developed to deal with cocaine overdose.

Treatments such as cognitive-behavioral coping skills are effective in dealing with cocaine addiction, but they are just a short-term approach that focuses on the learning processes. Behavioral treatment attempts to help patients recognize, avoid, and cope with situations that can lead them to use cocaine again.

Staffed by caring, compassionate physicians, nurses, and counselors, treatment programs recognize the intensity of addiction. Based on that, treatment programs provide heavily researched medical treatment techniques, choosing the best for the patient from all of the treatment modalities available .
Free Article on Cocaine Addiction Solutions

Cocaine Addiction in Miami, Florida

Widespread Cocaine Addiction in Miami started thirty years ago. Miami has been the major port of entry for cocaine in the United States for thirty years. Cocaine is responsible for the development of Miami as an International Banking Center. The influx of large amounts of money due to the illegal Cocaine Trade precipitated the necessity for a larger and more sophisticated banking network. Money was being flooded into all avenues of the Miami business district changing the landscape and skyline forever.

Cocaine was relatively inexpensive on the streets of Miami and the tri-county area of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. As this drug's popularity began to spread from high society private parties to the streets, the insidious problem of drug abuse and associated crime started to rise.

As more people started to use cocaine, communities witnessed a rise in the crime rate. Braking and entering, muggings, auto theft and retail boosting were all on the rise. Cocaine offered a more intense "high" than other drugs being used during this period. Although the high was more intense the period of intoxication was shorter causing the user to increase the amount necessary to sustain the high. The need for more cocaine caused the need for more money and thus more crime.

The area also witnessed an increase in addiction or at that time they called it abuse of cocaine. Cocaine was not accepted as an addictive substance because withdrawal from this drug did not cause the severity of physical problems as alcohol or opiates had.

Today Miami and the state of Florida have some of the best Addiction Treatment Facilities in America. If the saying "necessity is the mother of invention" has credence then that would explain the expertise as a result of the thousands of addicts that have been treated for cocaine addiction in Florida over the past thirty years. Free Article on Cocaine Addiction Solutions

The Problem of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a still a problem in American society. There seems to be less publicity about it but it still is a popular drug It is serious because cocaine addiction it can lead to serious mental and physical damage, even death.

The effects of cocaine addiction can vary depending upon the individual involved in the cocaine addiction. All of the effects of cocaine addiction, however, fall in to one of two categories: short-term or long-term.

A person who uses cocaine just once is capable of experiencing the short-term effects of cocaine addiction. Some of the short-term effects of cocaine addiction include dilated pupils, rapid and pressured speech as well as decreased appetite and increased body temperature. Other short-term effects of cocaine addiction are increased mental alertness, increased heart rate, and increased energy.

People who think they will try cocaine 'just once' often fall prey to cocaine addiction because they enjoy some of these short-term effects, such as increased energy and mental alertness. This boost of energy helps the user feel as if he can be more productive in life and at work, which leads to an increased tolerance of cocaine, and ultimately leads the need to use more to get the effect and eventually cocaine addiction.

People looking to lose weight also sometimes experiment with cocaine because of the short-term effect of appetite suppression. It is possible for a cocaine user to go days without eating. Unfortunately, using cocaine for this purpose can also lead to cocaine addiction and other health problems such as malnutrition.

A person suffering from cocaine addiction will begin exhibiting the long-term effects after abusing cocaine for an extended amount of time. Extensive use of cocaine, results in a tolerance to cocaine, which forces the addict to use more in order to reach the same high. Therefore, the long-term effects of cocaine addiction can include respiratory failure, heart disease, stroke, heart attack, gastrointestinal problems, seizure and coma. Less severe long-term effects of cocaine addiction include blurred vision, nausea, convulsions, fever, chest pain, and muscle spasms.

In addition to the physical affects, cocaine addiction can lead to psychological problems, such as irritability, restlessness, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and mood disturbances. Cocaine addiction also can have a negative effect on relationships, when undesirable behaviors, such as stealing, lying, and cheating, croup up as the addict attempts to support the cocaine addiction.

Cocaine addiction can also lead to financial ruin when all of the addict’s money is spent on getting the next high. Or, when the addict is fired from his job for poor performance or excessive absenteeism both related to the cocaine addiction.

Cocaine addiction is destructive in a variety of ways. Therefore, the best choice is complete abstinence and no experimentation.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Celebrities and Drug Use

Ah, celebrities and drug use. It seems that every time we turn on the television or watch the news or read the latest tabloid, there is at least one celebrity (if not more) who is entering into or just getting out of some sort of drug rehab facility or drug treatment center. We saw this (and continue to see it) happen to singer, songwriter, Amy Winehouse. Is it just me or does it seem as if celebrities don't care about their image?

Contrary to popular belief, the life of a celebrity isn't all fun and games. It is a life that is often filled with gruesome schedules, all nighters, back to back traveling, photo shoots, plane flights across the country and constant attention in the spotlight. After a while, all of the pressures that so many celebrities face begins to wear thin. Maybe celebrities should get more sleep. One thing is for sure; money cannot buy you happiness...but it sure can buy you drugs along with whatever other material things tickle your fancy.

So, then why is it that so many celebrities can't seem to get it together? Perhaps this will remain a mystery. Maybe they spend a little too much time in character. Look at the last celebrity struggle with drugs: Lindsay Lohan. We watched as this young, budding female start took to the silver screen and grew up before our eyes. Everyone has issues- whether it's with their parents, friends or other family members. However the difference between a regular person versus a celebrity is that most of us cannot afford a drug-ridden life style. When you are a celebrity, you have everything right there at your fingertips. All you have to do is say the magic word or words to the right person and you can pretty much get whatever it is your heart desires.

Perhaps celebrities let stardom go to their heads. Nowadays, whenever there is a new, young starlet, I cringe. I try, like so many other regular non-celebrity people, to not get my hopes up on this one. I do this because it is only a matter of time before something happens to sully that person's once sparkling reputation. When you or I become involved in relationships and break up, no one knows about it unless we tell them. We are emotionally distraught, but most of our mourning is done in private until we are ready to move on. This is not the case in the life of a celebrity. For celebrities, everything is under the microscope. From the birth of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's kids to the death of Cameron Diaz's father, we, the American public are there with our prying eyes wondering whether or not our favorite celebrity will be able to make it through another day.

The problem with celebrities and drug use is that many of them think that they are above the law. This is clearly not the case though because 'yes,' even celebrities can and will wind up in jail.
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Drug Abuse Treatment

Drug addiction treatment typically involves several steps to help an addict to successfully withdraw from using the drug. The treatment must be followed by counseling and attending self-help groups to help the recovering addict to resist any crave for using the addictive drug again.

The first step of drug addiction treatment is the withdrawal therapy. Withdrawal therapy is a step by

step detoxification plan which helps the recovering addict to stop taking the addicting drug as quickly and safely as possible. The detoxification is a gradual process that involve reduction of the dose of the drug or temporarily substituting the drug with other substances that have less severe side effects.

The second step begins after a successful detoxification. The goal of the second step is to help the ex-addict stay sober and keep resisting drugs. The second step involves therapies such as counseling, addiction treatment programs and self-help group meetings.

Counseling - Individual or family counseling with a psychiatrist, psychologist or addiction counselor may help an ex-addict resist the temptation to return to using the addicting drugs. Behavior therapies can help the ex-addict to develop ways to cope with his drug cravings, suggest strategies to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and offer suggestions on how to deal with a relapse if it occurs.

Counseling also can involve talking about the ex-addict job, legal problems and relationships with family and friends. Counseling with family members can help them to develop better communication skills and to be more supportive.

Treatment programs - Treatment programs generally include educational and therapy sessions focused on establishing sobriety and preventing relapse. This may be accomplished in individual, group or family sessions.

Self-help groups - Self-help groups call upon the individual addict to take responsibility for his or her life and lifestyle, at the same time fostering self-acceptance and self-esteem. While most experts in the field of drug addiction view addiction as a medical problem, because of its effects on both brain and body, some see it as a behavioral problem to be solved through the development of self-knowledge, behavioral changes, and coping techniques. There are self-help groups that embrace both views and others that lean toward the behavioral model. Each type of program encourages the individual to understand not only the reasons to refrain from using drugs but the underlying emotional causes of his or her addiction

The road to recovery is far from being easy and it can sometimes feel overwhelming. From a medical standpoint drug use affects your brain chemistry. Once the drugs have been cleansed from the system, it takes time for the body to readjust. Feelings that were masked by the drugs will resurface, and when they do, they will have to be faced because the drug which helped in ignoring them, is gone. Relapse prevention includes identifying triggers to using drugs, learning more adaptive coping skills, and making better decisions when dealing with life's challenges.

The chances of staying clean improve if the ex-addict participates in a social support group like Narcotics Anonymous, have a sponsor, and is involved in an Intensive Outpatient Program or individual therapy. If he chooses not to seek help from a treatment support group, chances are he will revert back to his old habits and relapse becomes more likely. An important thing to think about during the treatment process is how the ex-addict perceives a relapse. If relapse occurs, it is more helpful to look at it as a normal part of the process, rather than a personal failure.

Additional changes in social routine will probably become necessary as well. There are people, places and things that represent a slippery slope for the ex-addict and it's in his best interest to stay away from them. Surrounding him with people who can support his recovery makes things easier.
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Effects of PCP Drug Abuse

Phencyclidine (phenylcyclohexylpiperidine) commonly initialized as PCP is a disseminative drug, which means that by consuming this drug mind feels separated from the body. PCP was illegally manufactured in labs and sold out in form of tablets from 1950s. According to survey conducted by National Drug Control, more than 187 million children age 12 and older have abused PCP at least once in their past life. PCP abuse causes many negative psychological effects and due to these effects, it was never approved for human

Effects of PCP drug abuse
Due to the overdose of PCP, the drug abusers have unpleasant psychological effects. Their behavior will be unpredictable and often violent behavior is associated. Sometimes the abusers can even commit suicide. Under the influence of PCP, the following are the effects on health of drug abuser.

Effects on Brain
The abuse of PCP distorts perceptions of sight, sound and produces feelings of detachment from the environment and from them-selves also. These effects are caused by disruption of the interaction between nerve cells and neurotransmitter serotonin. This is distributed throughout the perceptual and regulatory system, results in changes in mood, increases the hunger and body temperature etc.

Effects on abusers
Mostly if once the drug abusing becomes habit it may become very difficult for the abuser to leave it. This abuse can also lead to craving and compulsive PCP seeking behavior, despite of severe adverse consequences. During this process, there are many effects both long term and short term effects depending upon the quantity and usage of the drug.

Long term effects
Many long term effects are found due to the regular abuse of the PCP for a long time. This includes negative effects on respiration system and respiration stops within minutes, which lead to sudden death of the person. Vomiting, hazy vision, flicking up and down of eyes etc are few effects caused by abusing. About 90% of PCP drug abusers are brought into emergency rooms with severe psychological effects. With high dose of the drug abuse the central nervous system is affected and the abuser can even go into state of comma.

Short term effects
Most casual effect is mood disturbances for 48 hrs from the use of drug with significant elevators like anxiety symptoms. Breathing rates gets slightly increased and pronounces into rise in blood pressure along with rise in pulse rate. Breathing becomes shallow, blushing along with copious sweating and many other extremities are generalized with regular abuse of PCP drug and loss of muscular coordination may also occur. These drugs can disturb the ability to think and communicate because of the abuse.

Parent should talk about the dangerous effects of PCP drug abuse with their children. Always prevention is better than cure, so better to take necessary steps for not going for any drug abuse. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Abuse Treatment - New Techniques Revealed

Unfortunately, many people worldwide suffer from an addiction. The most common addictive substances are alcohol and drugs and an addict needs these substances just to function day-to-day. Often, substance abuse masks deeper problems within the sufferer such as mental or physical health problems, and their addiction simply helps them to feel numb and to forget. However, the danger is that there are also many physical and mental health risks associated with substance abuse. Thus, it is important that an addict gets the correct treatment and support in order to beat their addiction and tackle any underlying problems. It is a sad fact that addictions not only affect the sufferer but those around them, such as family and friends.

Alcohol Abuse is frighteningly common in the western world. People often turn to drink to escape the pressures of modern life and then develop an addiction, becoming alcoholics.

Drug abuse is also a common addiction. People become addicted to drugs for reasons similar as to why others become addicted to alcohol. In fact, it is not unusual for sufferers to be addicted to both alcohol and drugs.

The first step to treating and beating substance abuse has to begin with the sufferer. Acknowledging they have a problem is the first step on the long road to recovery. People who wish to be free of their addictions cannot simply stop- the body becomes addicted to the substance and withdrawal causes violent symptoms which can be dangerous or even fatal. This is why sufferers need expert medical help and assistance to beat their addictions.

Some addicts are treated with medication on an outpatient basis, but treatment usually involves a residential stay. Residential treatment centres can help people overcome their addictions, no matter how severe they may be. Treatment is tailored towards the individual and consists of medication to help with withdrawal symptoms as well as practical and emotional support to help the sufferer as their body adjusts to being substance-free. Usually, no friends or family are allowed to visit; the patient needs to devote all their time and energy to beating their addiction.

Counseling is an important part of the treatment program, as it forces the patient to deal with any underlying issues they may have: if these are not dealt with, the addict may relapse. Some patients may shy away from counseling as they may be afraid to confront their problems but it is important they are encouraged to do this in order to work through and solve them.

Residential treatment aims to prepare the patient fully for the return to society. It is very important that the patient has ongoing support at home, both from family and friends and professionals, in order to reduce the chances of a relapse occurring.

Finally, it is important to remember that some forms of abuse are not the sufferer's fault, as in the case of sexual or domestic abuse. Sufferers of these types of abuse may benefit from counselling in order to work through their feelings as a victim and it may also help to join a support group where they can meet others who have been in the same situation. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse Deaths

Prescription Drug Abuse deaths far out number the deaths caused by street or illegal drugs. The movies would have us all believe that cocaine is the drug most used and the cause of the major number of fatalities. A report released by the Florida Medical Examiner states that three times the number of deaths are the result of prescription drug abuse than a combination of all other narcotics. These numbers do not include deaths by accidental overdose, just the use of prescription drugs for non medical purpose.

Prescription drug abuse deaths are watched closely in the state of Florida due to the lack of a state wide monitoring system. Legislation to implement such a system has lost favor due to privacy concerns. A report conducted by The Substance Abuse an Mental Health Services Administration states 7 million persons ages 12 and up have used prescription drugs for reasons other what that drug was prescribed. The report goes on to say that 2. 2 million young adults ages 12 to 25 show the greatest increase in abuse of pain relievers.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement looked at 170,000 deaths and found that less than a 1,000 were the result of illicit street drugs, alcohol was to blame in the deaths of another 500 cases and 6,142 were as a result of non-medical use of a prescription drug. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Why You Should Put Your Teen in Rehabilitation - Teenager Drug Addiction

There are also other treatments aside from reduction of use and then completely stopping it, as is the common approach. There is also a medical method, in which medical centers specializing in rehab focus on treating the patient's medical concerns while stopping the addiction entirely.

There are also pharmaceutical treatments for drug addicts, like ibogaine, extracted from the Tabernathe iboga plant. This drug treatment is an example of immunotherapy that uses the power of medicine to prevent drugs from reaching the brain and triggering physical processes to fulfill the addict's craving. Depending on the type of treatment, checking up and reapplication of the medicine may be done weekly or monthly, just to keep things in check. This type of treatment is particularly focused on opioid treatment, to combat such drug types as methamphetamines, cocaine, and nicotine abuse from cigarettes.

Drug abuse, whether it is to enhance the performance of the body or using a recreational drug to get high, needs to be stopped for the drug user's own good. It creates a physical and/or psychological dependence, and the body will crave the effects that the drug gives whenever the drug's effects wear off.

The physical, mental, psychological, and social capacities of the drug abuser will also suffer from the effects of the drug. In essence, being withdrawn from the real world and putting the drug in the center of one's universe is the effect of taking drugs. Drugs take away the life of the user, and destroy that person so that all that remains is an empty shell, filled only by the desire to use more drugs. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Teenage Drug Abuse - 3 Methods That Teenagers Can Easily Be Infected With AIDS

Recreational Drugs Can Increase Risks Of Acquiring HIV

Teenagers who are using drugs for recreational use are prone to acquiring HIV since most, if not all, of the drugs can alter the neurotransmitters in the brain and increase the sexual drives and urges of an individual. Over consumption of several drugs and substances such as methamphetamine, cocaine and alcohol may increase teenagers' risk of acquiring the dreaded human immunodeficiency virus.

Tattoos Can Put Teenagers At Risk

Teenagers who like to have tattoos on their body should take great care in choosing a tattoo parlor because HIV can easily be acquired through infected needles. A lot of HIV cases have been reported due to the misuse of needles in tattoo parlors. Teenagers should make sure that the tattoo parlor that they go to is clean, hygienic and has sterile gadgets and needles.

Contamination by injection

Most drugs and substances are administered to the body through inhalation or through oral methods. However, there are also drugs that are infused into an individual's body through the use of needle injections. These drugs are referred to as injectable drugs and individuals who prefer injectable drugs over non-injectable drugs open the doors for HIV contamination through the risks of improper needle use.

There is no lesser evil between injectable or non-injectable drugs. Injectable drugs increase the risks of teenagers acquiring HIV by increasing their sexual urges that can lead to unsafe sexual behavior. On the other hand, teenagers who use injectable drugs increase their risk of acquiring HIV by the use of needles.

Group drug sessions are very popular among teens and the danger of HIV transmission is increased during group drug sessions because needle sharing takes place.

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Types of Drug Rehabilitation For Teenager Drug Abuse Patients

Finding help on how to combat drug addiction is hard to come across - whether it is for parents looking out for the welfare of their children, or troubled teens wanting to kick their addiction, or anybody in between.

If you want to seek treatment for yourself if you are a teen or for your child if you are a parent, then drug rehab centers would be the first stop you should make for treatment. At some point you may ask why, because you or your child might be strong enough to combat addiction using sheer willpower and abstinence. But you should remember addiction is not some shirt that you take off and throw in the hamper.

There is a physical and psychological dependence on the drug, so going cold turkey isn't going to be a walk in the park for somebody who is suffering from addiction. Someone who is an addict would need professional help to monitor progress, ensure that the victim is keeping true to his or her goal to kick the habit, and to make sure as well that the victim doesn't suffer from a relapse.

The most common type of rehab treatment is the support group method of treatment. Here, victims interact with other victims and are guided by a counselor in scheduled meetings.

This is to show to the drug victims that they are not alone, that they have others as well that are also going through the same thing as them. With this knowledge, the challenge of stopping addiction is a little easier, because they have friends who can relate, offer support, and go together through treatment.

Another type of rehab is being treated at rehabilitation centers. Here, patients can either be in-patient or out-patient. Options also depend on the severity of addiction.

Specialists, no matter which treatment you choose for your child, closely monitor patients. Psychological, physical, and even social aspects of their recovery are closely observed to make sure that all needs of patients are addressed.
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Rehabilitation and Treatment For Teenage Drug Abuse

If you enter a situation in which your child is guilty of just a minor drug-related or influenced crime, then the court can, at its discretion instead of sending your child to prison, may sentence the child to rehabilitation. Drugs and other substance abuse is hard on the body physically, because for a time, the body itself will suffer from withdrawal symptoms, and possibly a relapse into the drug habit.

Chemical imbalances in the body will be compensated for by the treatment so that the body will not suffer such a hard impact. In time, when the rehab program is completed, your child will have stopped his dependency on drugs and learned from his lesson, so that he or she will not do drugs again, because now the child is aware of the dangers of drug abuse and will know firsthand the negative effects of addiction.

Pros And Cons Of Different Treatments

Different approaches to different drug problems are the norm these days. There are some alternatives that just accept the addiction and instead focus on damage reduction, like the free sterile needles program to prevent aids. This is good at reducing societal cost of drug use, but doesn't fix the problem itself.

There is also the abstinence approach, which would involve cutting use of the substance entirely. This is often hard to do, because when the body suffers from withdrawal, then it will itself look for drugs and possibly the drug victim could suffer a relapse of the drug habit.

There are also other methods of treatment for drug abuse rehab, like medical treatment for the patient. This would focus on stopping or cutting off the dependency and addressing the damage already done to the victim's body. This is a long-term method of treatment, and because of the stigma associated with being known as a drug user, victims may be unwilling to try it.
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Therapies For Drug Addicted Teenagers - Teenage Drug Abuse

You've just found unquestionable proof that your child is indeed a drug user, and now you don't know what to do. It's hard to even think of turning your child in to the authorities, because as a parent, you can't live with the guilt of knowing that your child is in prison because you were the one to turn him or her in.

But, as a responsible parent, if you really love your child then you shouldn't allow his or her life to be consumed and ruined by drugs. There are a few things that you could do to make sure that your child gets what is right for his or her life.

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about drug addiction is the fact that your child is the one guilty of taking illicit drugs. There's no turning back at this point, and what you can do instead for your child is to review your options for treatment.

This is the most important thing to do: weigh your options for treatment, decide which one would be most applicable to your case at hand, then go for it.

You probably aren't considering turning your child over to the police at this point. Your child now is more of a victim than a criminal. Rehab would be the most viable choice for your child's treatment. You could enroll your child in a in-patient or residential rehabilitation center if you've come to the worst case scenario.

However, if the case is not as serious then you could probably go for less intense methods to stop addiction, like an out-patient rehabilitation center. At least this way you can still be with your child. There are also support groups in your locality, and they should also be able to help your child overcome his drug dependency. These centers operate much like your local AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) does, using much of the same principles to help lessen then stop addiction completely. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Second-Hand Drugs May Be As Dangerous As Second-Hand Smoke

Most of us have heard of genetically-modified food. Corn, soy, sugar cane, rice, and so on, have been genetically engineered, usually to increase resistance to pesticides so growers can use them in amounts that would normally kill the plant. The practice is controversial - primarily because there is no proof that the modified foods retain the God-given elements necessary to sustain life. The increased volume of pesticides being ingested by people who eat the food is also a problem. This is just one of the many ways in which our food supply is being destroyed. The latest danger on the list is trace amounts of Prozac and other prescription drugs found in our water supply and, consequently, contaminating those of us who eat the fish (just like mercury) as well as contributing to the fish's extinction.

Second-hand drugs aren't any better for us than second-hand smoke and those who are against prescription drugs - unless it's really a life-saving situation - might consider rallying round the flag to get people to stop taking them.

Studies have being conducted for years to determine what drugs are in our waste water - which is recycled into drinking water and, while the cleaning process does get rid of major bacteria, it doesn't get rid of the drug residues. They've found trace elements of cocaine and a number of other drugs in waste water and, in fact, the information is used by police to determine which drugs are big in which areas. They can't narrow down what house it's coming from, but they can nail the neighborhood.

The latest study, the results of which were announced at the 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting in San Francisco, found trace amounts of Prozac in rivers and streams and concluded that it caused mussels to prematurely release larvae - their kids. The premature larvae are not fully formed and can't live, which means the mussels are becoming extinct.

Will the Prozac eventually cause similar problems in humans? We already know that taking Prozac endangers the health of the newborn. A newborn whose mother took Prozac can have retarded growth, quick, shallow breathing and other breathing problems, can't get enough oxygen when feeding, can have low blood sugar, low body temperature, poor muscle tone, is unable to cry, and doesn't respond appropriately to pain.

Prozac also causes 'reproductive toxicity,' which is a problem for both men and women, and can result in infertility, miscarriage, menstrual disorders, changes in sexual behavior, inability to achieve orgasm, and so on, for both the adults and their children.

If you are considering becoming pregnant, it's wise to get off Prozac or any other drugs that aren't strictly necessary long before conception. In fact, it's also a good idea to go through a full detox program to get residual drugs out of your system. These programs are sometimes offered at an addiction treatment center. Check with a drug rehab referral service; their counselors are familiar with all the different types of programs and can help you find one that offers that service.

Prozac is not the only drug found in our water, our fish, and other food (animals that drink the water and plants from farms that hydrate the soil and water plants with contaminated water are also a problem.)

As the numbers of people taking prescription drugs increases, so will the second-hand supply being forced on an unsuspecting public - namely, you and I, our kids, our family members, our friends, and so on.

There are warnings all over the information inserts about the side effects of the prescription drugs we take. If you don't want to damage your own body, and you don't want second-hand drugs damaging others, the environment and our food supply, think twice before you take them. And if you're already hooked - if you have a problem with prescription drug addiction and can't stop taking them - or if you are taking a drug that's dangerous to simply stop taking, contact an addiction treatment center for help.
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Drug Abuse - Introducing an Underground Method to Stop Taking Drugs

Drug abuse has always been a serious problem. Whenever we talk of a person with ill mental as well as physical health, we often tend to forget that drug abuse is perhaps the only reason why an individual is devoid of a natural life. Taking cue from the above statement, it would not be correct to state that if we are to eradicate the menace of drug abuse from the core, we would be required to do so through the means of a tried and tested strategy. Let us one discuss one such strategy in detail.

The Art Of Inner Peace

One of the main reasons why people often tend to get attracted to drugs is because they do not have the ability to control their urges. It is not necessary that in order to succeed, you need to be a very strong person or an intellectual one. You simply need to have the desire to steer clear of habits which you think are not good for your inner health. In order to attain inner peace, you can try and learn new meditation techniques, which would work in your favor. Unless and until you are satisfied from within, you simply cannot hope to tackle a menace of such massive proportions.

While we all wish to be mentally satisfied, we never really work to feed our souls with the right kind of diet-the diet of meditation. There is a de-addiction therapy which teaches you the art of inner peace. Such methods would always work in your favor.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results.

Drug Abuse - How to Quit Drugs Without Spending a Dime

If you feel the need to get rid of your drug abuse habit, you need to act fact. Drug abuse is fast catching the likes of the young and old alike. Whiles the adult population known where to draw the line between what is "good and bad", it is the teen population which literally exploits drug abuse. In this article, we would be discussing ways and means of getting rid of our drug related habits without spending a dime in turn.

Avoid Medication

In order to save some money, you would be required to steer clear of unnecessary medication. As it is, medicines can never really cure the root cause of your addiction. They simply mask your condition and the moment you stop taking them, you return to your old habits. So, medications are a sheer waste of time and money.

Avoid Rehabilitation Centers

Another menace which is also considered quite expensive is the rehabilitation center. While the time you spend inside the rehabilitation center is considered fruitful, as you are not allowed to have drugs, the moment you are out, you are back to square one again.

Choose A Natural Therapy Instead

In case you really wish to get well, you need to choose a tried and tested natural de-addiction therapy. A natural therapy is said to be efficient because it does not involve the use of any medications and it is also free from any harmful side effects. At the same time, a proven de-addiction therapy can be followed at home and it doesn't cost a dime in turn. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse - Top 2 Ways to Quit Drugs

Drug abuse has been rampant ever since our daily lives became hectic and difficult. In case you happen to be a victim of excessive drug abuse, the chances are that you may be required to let go of all your ambitions and seek a suitable solution instead. In simple words, if you wish to succeed in life, you need to find a suitable solution to your drug abuse problem. Let us now discuss two new methods through which you can hope to leave your bad habits behind.

Proceed In A Systematic Manner

In case you happen to be a drug addict, you need to understand that leaving a habit like this is very difficult. In case you aspire to succeed, you need to do so very slowly. In simple words, de-addiction is a process which involves systematic steps. For example, you have been habitual to taking drugs through the means of smoking. In such a scenario, you would be required to quit smoking in a systematic manner. In case you are habitual to smoking 20 cigarettes a day, reduce the number to 15 on the first week, then ten for the next week, before finally putting a final stop, after a month.

Choose A Natural Therapy

If you are really interested to quit taking drugs forever, you would be required to choose a tried and tested natural therapy. In this case, you would be required to undergo a personalized treatment and keep away from rehabilitation centers. At the same time, you need to also ensure that there are no "over the counter" medications involved in your treatment.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results.Free Article on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse - How I Got Cured in Under 30 Days?

Drug abuse has always been considered as an incurable disease. There have been numerous instances wherein people have perished from drug abuse. This is when the unfortunate victims have tried various therapies and attended numerous rehabilitation centers. Contrary to what happened with them, here is a story of a teenager who fought all odds and survived to tell his tale. Let us read on to know more about his tale

I Made Up Mind Mind

Of the various reasons how I managed to escape the clutched of drug addiction was my will to succeed. I had been taking drugs since my childhood and after abusing drugs owing to peer pressure, I finally decided I had had enough. Hence, after six years of constant abuse, I finally decided to quit drugs forever.

I Choose A Natural Therapy

The second step to success came when I happened to choose a perfect therapy for curing my drug related abuse. It was very different from the others and involved no medications. Likewise, it cost less than a meal for two-so, it was a miracle cure of sorts. As expected, it turned my life around and I was able to lead a normal existence.

I Stuck To My Goals

The third reason why I managed to get de-addict myself in well under 30 days was because of my dedicated approach. I followed the therapy judiciously and managed to reap results in a relatively short span of time. It was a miracle cure which was executed to perfection by a strong willed individual. Well, this is how it happened-it was simple yet effective.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse - The Truth Uncovered

Whenever we talk of drug abuse, we almost take it for granted that the addicted person is in dire needs of medical aid. Well, the truth is far from that. Drug abuse is common these days and in order to get rid of this menace, you would be required to tackle it in a systematic manner. Drug abuse should therefore not be taken as a headache of sorts and an effort needs to be made to understand it from the core. Here are a few lesser known facts on drug addiction.

Drug Addiction Is Owing To Peer Pressure

One of the main unknown facts about drug addiction is that it is not owing to your natural instincts but due to peer pressure. As compared to what you thought, addiction is often caused when you are compelled by your peers to try drugs for fun. This so called "fun activity", then takes a hideous turn and transforms into a full fledged addiction. Hence, if you wish to avoid addiction, you need to try and formulate a method to deal with peer pressure

The Rehabilitation Centers Are Not The Cure

Contrary to the popular belief, the rehabilitation centers are not the ideal cure for addiction cases. If you feel the need to curb this rising menace, you would be required to seek a tried and tested natural therapy, which aims at eradicating this menace from the minds and bodies of the addicts. Hence, in order to seek a suitable cure to drug related problems, you need to opt for a tried and tested natural de-addiction therapy instead.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Drug Abuse - How to Quit Drugs Even Though You Have No Experience

Drug abuse is a major problem these days and if you feel the need to cure yourself of drug abuse, you would be required to follow a tried and tested strategy to success. In simple words, drug abuse is not an easy task to accomplish and while we often strive to succeed through the means of a tried and tested de-addiction therapy, it is not very often that you end up succeeding completely. This is when you need to have complete knowledge on drug-addiction. Let us discuss 2 basic steps to success.

Keep Yourself Updated

The best way to cure yourself of an addiction is to keep yourself updated with the pros and cons at all times. While an addiction is often considered a taboo of sorts, it is even more difficult to get out of its clutches. In such a scenario, you need to look up various books and sites which promote de-addiction. In this way, you would be able to keep yourself updated with the latest news and this in turn would warn you of the dangers involved with drug overdose. When your conscience is tapped, you would be able to improve. If you are unaware of the consequences, you would simply continue with your drugs. Hence, keep updating yourself.

Choose A Natural Therapy

The second method to cure yourself of this dreaded addiction is by choosing a tried and tested de-addiction therapy. You need not be experienced for the same. Simply pick one which uses natural techniques and use the program to your advantage.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse - How to Leave Drugs Forever?

In case you happen to suffer from adverse drug abuse, you can simply try and get your life back by following these simple yet effective steps to de-addiction. Drug abuse is dangerous disease which needs to be tackled with utmost care. Hence, whenever the case revolves around drug abuse, you need to be very careful with regards to the de-addiction therapy. Read on to find out more on de-addiction.

Continue To Motivate Yourself
The first step to ensure that you live a drug free life is to try and motivate yourself for the same. Unless and until you have the will to detoxify yourself, you can never hope to succeed. Hence, the first step is to constantly motivate yourself to succeed.

Choose A Tried An Tested Routine

The second step to ensure that you quit drugs without any adverse side effects is by picking a suitable routine. Instead of opting for rehabilitation centers and numerous "over the counter" medications, it is always best to try and seek a suitable cure through the means of a tried and tested natural therapy. A natural therapy is free from any medication and it is also considered effective in terms of a providing a permanent cure.

Lead A Disciplined Life

The third step to ensuring that you quit drugs for ever is by leading a healthy life. Make sure you do not indulge in skipping your de-addiction routine as leaving it for another day would simply ruin your chances of maintaining a drug free existence.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results. Free Article on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse - Do Secrets Exist in Quitting Drugs?

In case you are familiar with DRUG ABUSE, you would also be aware of the fact that drug abuse is a serious health hazard. If you do not stop administering these harmful drugs, the consequences could be drastic and sometimes, even fatal. Hence, drug abuse needs to be tackled at the earliest. Taking cue from the above statement, we would not be discussing some of the lesser known facts on drug addiction.

It Is Completely Curable
The first secret about drug addiction is that it is completely curable. In case you are not aware, drugs is a serious issue and can prove to be fatal if it is not treated on time. In case you happen to be an addict, you need not worry, for you have all the chances in the world to get completely cured of your addiction. You simply need to be aware of your problem and have the ability to seek a suitable solution for the same. While rehabilitation centers are often considered the best option when it comes to treating drug patients, the fact of the matter is that if you wish to cure yourself of this sickness, you need to try and adopt a natural de-addiction therapy instead.

Avoid Rehabilitation Centers
Although rehabilitation centers have been known to be effective when it comes to curing your addiction related problems, the truth is that once you leave these centers, you are back to your old habits. Hence, if you really wish to get cured of your addictions, you would need to seek a tried and tested natural therapy which is stated to work for you.

Who Is It For: Folks who are tired of ineffective drug rehabilitation programs and have lost thousands of dollars on useless "over the counter" medications. It is for any and everyone who wishes to see instant results.
Free Article on Drug Abuse

Signs of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is an addiction that can occur very quickly and be a very difficult habit to break. There have been animal studies, which have shown that animals will work very hard, such as pressing a bar over 10,000 times, after a single injection of cocaine. They were also choosing cocaine over food and water and chose cocaine even when their behavior was punished. It was proven that animals must have their access to cocaine limited in order not to take lethal doses. Studies have shown that people addicted to cocaine also behaved very similar. One of the signs of Cocaine use is that Cocaine addicts will go to great lengths to get cocaine and continue to take it even when it hurts their school or job performance and their relationships begin to suffer.

Some of the major routes of administration of cocaine are sniffing or snorting, injecting, and smoking, including free-basing and crack cocaine. Snorting is the process of inhaling cocaine powder through the nose where it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal tissues. Injecting is the act of using a needle to release the drug directly into the bloodstream. Smoking involves inhaling cocaine vapor or smoke into the lungs where absorption into the bloodstream is as rapid as by injection.

Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that interferes with the reabsorption process of dopamine, a chemical messenger associated with pleasure and movement. Dopamine is released as part of the brain's reward system and is involved in the high that characterizes cocaine consumption.

Signs of Cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, hyper-alertness, lack of fatigue/sleeplessness, panic, extremely talkative; fast speech, runny nose or bloody nose, seizures from high doses or bad reaction, white powder seen on face or clothes, small spoon-like items used for snorting, mirrors and razor blades used for making lines, rolled money bills used for snorting, small bottles with screw on lids for storing and possession of small plastic packets with white residue.

The duration of cocaine's immediate euphoric effects, which include hyper-stimulation, reduced fatigue, and mental clarity, depends on the route of administration. The faster the absorption, the more intense the high. On the other hand, the faster the absorption, the shorter the duration of action. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes. Increased use can reduce the period of stimulation.

Some other signs of Cocaine use are feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. An appreciable tolerance to the high may be developed, and many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. Scientific evidence suggests that the powerful neuropsychological reinforcing property of cocaine is responsible for an individual's continued use, despite harmful physical and social consequences. In rare instances, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. However, there is no way to determine who is prone to sudden death. Free Article on Cocaine Addiction Solutions

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cocaine Addiction Books: A Cultural History of Cocaine

Editorial Reviews

Product Description
Praised as a wonder drug by doctors throughout Europe and the United States upon its discovery nearly 150 years ago, perceptions of cocaine have now come full circle. A prime target of narcotics agencies and governments across the globe, coke has become the crown jewel of the drug trade. Despite the widespread panic surrounding its effects and highly addictive quality, as well as massive campaigns by the U.S. government to stop its importation, coke is still readily available and maintains its street credibility as a champagne drug, associated with high-living, high-rolling lifestyles.

Millions of South Americans have, for centuries, chewed coca leaves (the raw product from which cocaine is derived), in order to produce a mild high, not unlike caffeine. The plant was so revered by the Incas that they referred to it as the "food of the gods;" and in modern societies, the coca plant has long been used in the recipe for popular soft drinks like Coca-Cola. So what has led to the modern fervor over the plant's by-product cocaine? Tracing a history that goes back hundreds of years, author Tim Madge examines the long, complicated, and controversial history of cocaine, and its parent-the coca plant.

See All Editorial Reviews

Crack Cocaine and the Experience of African American Women: A Statistical Study of Positive Treatment Outcomes

Editorial Reviews

"Dr. Okagbue-Reaves has presented a seminal study in drug treatment that is imperative reading for practitioners working with African American women drug addicts. This study identified treatment outcomes for African American women given the treatment systems utilized and services they received. Not only does the study have implications for practice and policy but breaks the ground for future research in the field of chemical dependency treatment for women."

- Dr. John Gunther Director of the School of Social Work (retired) Missouri State University "Dr. Reaves, in this landmark research study, gives us renewed hope that by looking carefully at data on a national basis, we can identify significant factors related to recovery for a population that has often been viewed as one of the most difficult to successfully treat for a variety of reasons - African American women addicted to crack cocaine." - Professor Marilyn Wedenoja School of Social Work Eastern Michigan University "This study challenges the treatment arena to recognize that with an increase in services, consistency in time spent in treatment, and greater availability of long-term residential treatment, African American women can achieve positive outcomes." - Professor Sylvia Simms Grey School of Social Work Eastern Michigan University"

Product Description
Presenting analysis of treatment experiences and outcomes of African American women undergoing substance abuse treatment for crack cocaine, this study attempts to identify factors that contribute to their successful recovery as defined by completion of treatment and substance abstinence one-year post treatment.

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The War on Drugs III: The Continuing Saga of the Mysteries and Miseries of Intoxication, Addiction, Crime, and Public Policy

Editorial Reviews

Product Description
Written by a leading researcher and writer in the field of alcohol and drug studies, this book presents a series of perspectives and reflections on the worlds of drug taking and drug seeking. This highly readable book takes a candid look at the world of drug and alcohol use, abuse and control. The author presents both sides of major issues, the history and patterns of abuse, and coverage of the major drugs (e.g. heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and club drugs). For anyone with an interest in drug history, abuse, and policies.

From the Back Cover
Written by a leading researcher and writer in the field of alcohol and drug studies, this book presents a series of perspectives and reflections on the worlds of drug taking and drug seeking. This highly readable book takes a candid look at the world of drug and alcohol use, abuse and control. The author presents both sides of major issues, the history and patterns of abuse, and coverage of the major drugs (e.g. heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and club drugs). For anyone with an interest in drug history, abuse, and policies. See All Editorial Reviews

The American Pipe Dream: Crack, Cocaine, and the Inner City

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

This one-of-a-kind book focuses on the impact of crack on inner-city populations, targeting such issues/groups as crime, women, the homeless, HIV, race/ethnicity, and juveniles.

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Cocaie Addiction Books: The Street Game & Crack Cocaine

Editorial Reviews

Product Description
She learned that there was a “game” being played on the streets of our nation and took that game to a whole new level. Like no other, she turned the town’s dealers and smokers upside down with her remarkable wisdom. Everyone she came across learned from her.

She changed the way the street game is looked at completely. She needed the street players to fulfill the knowledge of her crack cocaine addiction and recovery process. See All Editorial Reviews

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cocaine and Methamphetamine Addiction: Treatment, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention

Editorial Reviews

A practical guide to understanding and overcoming addiction to cocaine and meth.

Two experienced addiction treatment professionals present a practice-oriented approach to working with addicted individuals. Specific strategies are brought to life with case examples. Key issues are addressed, including how to approach clients about their drug use, when and how to involve family members, and how to prevent relapse. See All Editorial Reviews

Therapy manuals for drug addiction: A cognitive Behavioral Approach - Treating cocaine addiction

Therapy manuals for drug addiction:
A cognitive Behavioral Approach - Treating cocaine addiction

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Breaking the Chains of Cocaine: Black Male Addiction and Recovery

Editorial Reviews

Product Description
This book asks and reviews the vicious stages of cocaine dependency? Answers to many probing questions are given from an African frame of reference.

See All Editorial Reviews

A New Prescription for Addiction: The Gracer Comprehensive Method for Treating Addiction to Alcohol, Cocaine, Meth, Prescription Drugs

Editorial Reviews

Product Description
For the first time, a doctor has developed a treatment program especially for 'hidden' addicts - people whose lives look just fine on the surface, but who are secretly driven by stress into addictive, destructive behaviors. Until now, many of these people have been alone in their struggle, their addictions undetected by friends, colleagues, even sometimes family. Now this breakthrough program treats both hidden substance abuse problems and their underlying causes, without unnecessarily stigmatizing these otherwise highly-functioning people. Richard Gracer, MD, is the founder and director of Gracer Medical Group, which has been holistically treating patients with complex health issues since 1979.

In 2005, he launched Gracer Behavioural Health Services specifically to treat addiction, alcoholism, and other stress-related mental health issues. He has pioneered a revolutionary 5-step treatment protocol that addresses substance abuse cravings and their underlying causes through intensive short-term treatment across several disciplines. It uses several new drugs - some very recently approved by the FDA - that promise to revolutionize the treatment of addictions, as well as a comprehensive support system to address the many challenges addicts face. See All Editorial Reviews

Addiction-Free--Naturally: Liberating Yourself from Tobacco, Caffeine, Sugar, Alcohol, Prescription Drugs, Cocaine, and Narcotics

Editorial Reviews

. . . this book offers a variety of safe, natural and effective techniques for beating addiction. -- Earth Star, December/January 2002

How exciting to find an herb book that can really make a difference in someone's life. -- American Herb Association, Vol. 16:4

". . . this book offers a variety of safe, natural and effective techniques for beating addiction."
(Earth Star, December/January 2002 )

"This book is especially useful for gaining a better understanding of your addiction, or addictions in general, and for providing ideas for healing your addiction, using over 20 modalities. I would recommend this book as an initial step in making the commitment to seek help regarding your addiction."
See All Editorial Reviews

Drug Rehab: Demon Drugs and Social Justice

Editorial Reviews

with an aversion to academic tomes should not be put off by this book's citations and tables or by the weighty prose of a few of the contributors. Many of the articles are very readable, even absorbing.... -- The Nation, Jo Ann Kawell

Product Description
A team of veteran drug researchers in medicine, law, and the social sciences provides the most comprehensive, penetrating, and original analysis of the crack cocaine problem in America to date. Helps readers understand why the United States has the most repressive, expensive, yet least effective drug policy in the Western world. See All Editoril Reviews

Cocaine Addiction: A Brief Career in the Cocaine Trade

Editorial Reviews

Product Description
Snowblind is an all-out, nonstop, and now classic look at the cocaine trade through the eyes of smuggler Zachary Swan. In a brief Roman-candle career, Swan served an elegant clientele, traveling between Bogota and the nightclubs of New York, inventing intricate scams to outmaneuver the feds. Creating diversions that were characteristically baroque, surviving on ingenuity and idiot's luck, he discovered in the process a hip, dangerous, high-velocity world that Robert Sabbag evokes with extraordinary power and humor.

From the Back Cover
"A flat-out ballbuster. It moves like a threshing machine with a fuel tank full of ether. . . . Sabbag is a whip-song writer."-Hunter S. Thompson

Snowblind is an all-out, nonstop, and now-classic look at the cocaine trade through the eyes of smuggler Zachary Swan. In a brief, Roman-candle career, Swan served an elegant clientele, traveling between Bogota and the nightclubs of New York, inventing intricate scams to outmaneuver the feds. Creating diversions that were characteristically baroque, surviving on ingenuity and idiot's luck, he discovered in the process a hip, dangerous, high-velocity world that Robert Sabbag evokes with extraordinary power and humor.

"One of the best books about drugs ever written."-Robert Stone

"One of the first books about the cocaine trade and it is still among the best."-Norman Mailer

"An extremely rare cut of dry wit, poetry, rock-hard fact and relentless insight."-Rolling Ston

"A triumphant piece of reporting."-The New Yorker

"A witty, intelligent, fiercely stylish, drug-induced exemplary tale."-Los Angeles Times .

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Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War

Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War

Cocaine Addiction: Race, Cocaine, and Corruption in a Small Texas Town

Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Those familiar with the travesty of justice that led to multiple bogus drug arrests in the small Texas town of Tulia only from newspaper accounts will be outraged anew at this eye-opening narrative that bears comparison to such courtroom and litigation classics as A Civil Action. This devastating indictment of the toll taken by the war on drugs, viewed through the prism of one small community, is a masterpiece of true crime writing. Award-winning reporter Blakeslee broke the story for the Texas Observer in 2000 and has produced a definitive account, deftly weaving the history of the growth and decline of Tulia with the stories of those caught up in the racist frame by narcotics officer Tom Coleman.

The defendants, their families and their attorneys come across as three-dimensional individuals, consistently engaging the reader despite the wealth of details and the intricacies of the appellate process. Vanita Gupta, the young defense lawyer fresh from law school who made the NAACP Legal Defense Fund take notice with her dedication, is especially memorable. As with Errol Morris's film exposing corrupt Texas law-enforcement, The Thin Blue Line, this haunting work will leave many wondering how many other Tulias there are out there.

From The Washington Post
Iconoclastic lawyers who challenge the deeply entrenched, local powers-that-be relish the rare occasions when they prevail. For Jeff Blackburn, an Amarillo, Tex., attorney who is one of the heroes of Nate Blakeslee's thoroughly reported and superbly written new book, such an opportunity came late one night in 2003. Recalcitrant prosecutors had finally agreed to drop fraudulent drug charges brought against some three dozen defendants, most of whom were black. As Blackburn exultantly left the county courthouse, he headed for a nearby centennial monument whose self-congratulatory inscription (lauding the county's principles) he loathed. As Blakeslee recounts, Blackburn "unzipped his pants and began urinating on it" until the headlights of an approaching car brought an abrupt end to his private victory celebration.

Those false drug prosecutions were the handiwork of Tom Coleman, an undercover white narcotics officer who claimed to have made more than 100 purchases of powdered cocaine during an 18-month period in 1998-99 from about 40 different residents of Tulia, a small and relatively poor town in the north Texas panhandle. Blakeslee describes Coleman as "a scruffy, long-haired, unsavory-looking character . . . in a black leather jacket who called himself T.J. Dawson and claimed to be a construction contractor living ten miles up the interstate." Coleman worked for a regional anti-drug task force based in Amarillo, which had hired him largely because of his late father's stellar law-enforcement record.

Coleman's undercover work in Tulia went almost wholly unsupervised by Swisher County Sheriff Larry Stewart and local District Attorney Terry McEachern, as well as by the task force. Early one morning in July 1999, though, local law enforcement mobilized all its troops to execute the surprise arrests of Coleman's dozens of suspects. None of the defendants was found in possession of any drugs, but many of them had briefly shared drugs -- or used drugs -- with Coleman. "I smoked rock with that man," former high school sports star Donnie Smith exclaimed to the men in his holding pen. Four or five others admitted they had too.

"You niggers quit sellin' them drugs," Coleman yelled at the incarcerated suspects that day, as they later recounted the episode to Blakeslee. Racial animus was not the only serious problem marring the prosecutions. Local attorneys were appointed to represent defendants who could not afford private counsel, but Texas's slapdash system of indigent defense often resulted in "completely ineffective" lawyers offering only pro forma representation. Several of the Tulia defendants were quickly convicted and imprisoned in just such a fashion before Donnie Smith's highly experienced attorney, Tom Hamilton (himself a former district attorney), bluntly challenged McEachern.
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Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug

Editorial Reviews

"Andean Cocaine is an important intellectual achievement. Gootenberg uses a fluent narrative and a new and sophisticated interpretation to discuss the link between local and global events and to explain the roles played by unequal actors and institutions. A first-class book."— Marcos Cueto, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, Peru

Product Description
Illuminating a hidden and fascinating chapter in the history of globalization, Paul Gootenberg chronicles the rise of one of the most spectacular and now illegal Latin American exports: cocaine.

Gootenberg traces cocaine's history from its origins as a medical commodity in the nineteenth century to its repression during the early twentieth century and its dramatic reemergence as an illicit good after World War II. Connecting the story of the drug's transformations is a host of people, products, and processes: Sigmund Freud, Coca-Cola, and Pablo Escobar all make appearances, exemplifying the global influences that have shaped the history of cocaine. But Gootenberg decenters the familiar story to uncover the roles played by hitherto obscure but vital Andean actors as well--for example, the Peruvian pharmacist who developed the techniques for refining cocaine on an industrial scale and the creators of the original drug-smuggling networks that decades later would be taken over by Colombian traffickers. See All Editorial Reviews