Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Scientists Creating Vaccines Blocking and Eliminating Cocaine Addiction in Rats

Researchers have produced an anti-cocaine lasting immunity in mice by giving them a safe vaccine, a combination of bit parts with a common cold virus particles that mimic cocaine.

In their study, published online in the January 4 issue of Molecular Therapy and funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the researchers say that this strategy may be the first new offering in cocaine addicts a fairly simple way to stop and reverse their habits, and may also be useful in treating other addictions such as nicotine, heroin and other opiates.

"Our data shows very dramatically that we were able to protect mice against the effects of cocaine, and we think this approach could be very promising in the fight against addiction in humans," said the study's lead researcher, Dr.. Ronald G. Crystal, chairman and professor of genetic medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.

He said that the resulting antibody immune response in laboratory mice by this vaccine is binding, and lock up, the molecules of cocaine before the drug reaches the brain of this animal - and prevent any sort associated with hyperactivity of cocaine. The impact of this vaccine lasts for at least 13 weeks, longest time point evaluated.

"While other efforts in producing immunity to cocaine has been sought, this is the first one probably will not need a lot of expensive infusion, and can move quickly into human trials," said Dr.. Crystal. "There is currently no FDA-approved vaccines for drug addiction."

"A successful approach is indispensable for cocaine addiction, which is a compromise issues around the world," he added. "There is no current therapy."

New from this treatment may be related to chemical structure very similar to cocaine, to the components of adenovirus, the common cold virus. In this way, the human immune system to be vigilant against infectious agents (viruses), but also learn to "see" the crack cocaine as well as an intruder, he said. Crystal. Having recently recognized the intruder structure, built of natural immunity against cocaine particles, so that every time he snorted cocaine or used in any way, antibodies against the substance is quickly produced and ingested cocaine by the antibody molecule and preventing it from reaching the brain.

"The human immune system does not naturally recognize cocaine as something to be destroyed - just like all small molecule drugs are not eliminated by antibodies," he said. "We have engineered this response so that it can fight the cocaine."

In this study, a team of researchers - scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University in Ithaca, and the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California - unload an adenovirus, just take the components that cause immune reactions and discard the parts that produce disease. They then link the analogue of cocaine on these proteins to make vaccines. "We're using an analog of cocaine as a bit more stable than cocaine, and also led to better immunity," said Dr.. Crystal.

Researchers then injected the virus into the billions of potions in the laboratory rat "parks" (rats are not genetically engineered). They found a strong immune response generated against the vaccine, and these antibodies, if placed in the test tube, capable of devouring cocaine.

They then tested the vaccine effect on behavior, and found that mice that received the vaccine before it was given less hyperactive cocaine to the drug than mice not vaccinated. The effect was even seen in rats that received cocaine repeatedly in large doses. Proportionately, reflecting the number of cocaine doses that can be used by humans.

This vaccine should be tested in humans, of course, he said. Crystal, but he predicts that if successful, will serve very well to people already addicted to cocaine and who try to stop using drugs. "This vaccine can help them get rid of the habit, because if they use cocaine, the immune response to destroy the drug before it reaches the brain's pleasure center."

In addition to Dr.. Crystal, author of the study include Martin J. Hicks, Bishnu P. De, Jonathan B. Rosenberg, Jesse T. Davidson, Neil R. Hackett, Stephen M. Kaminsky and Miklos Toth from Weill Cornell Medical College; Jason G. Mezey of Weill Cornell Medical College and Cornell University in Ithaca, NY; Amira Y. Moreno, Kim D. Widow, Sunmee Wee and George F. Koob of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California

The study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from the National Institutes of Health.

Cocaine Vaccine Blocker High Levels In Mice

ScienceDaily (Jan. 5, 2011) - Researchers have produced an anti-cocaine lasting immunity in mice by giving them a safe vaccine that combines bits from the common cold virus particles that mimic the cocaine.

Cocaine Vaccine Blocker

In their study, published January 4, 2011 in the online issue of Molecular Therapy and funded by the National Institute on Drug Abusev, the researchers said the new strategy is probably the first to offer a cocaine addict with a fairly simple way to break and reverse their habits, and perhaps also useful in treating other addictions, such as nicotine, heroin and other opiates.

"Our data demonstrate very dramatically that we can protect mice against the effects of cocaine, and we think this approach could be very promising in the fight against addiction in humans," said the study's principal investigator, Dr. Ronald G. Crystal, chairman and professor of genetic medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.

He said the resulting antibody immune response in laboratory mice by this vaccine is binding, and held, cocaine molecules before the drug reaches the brain of these animals - and prevent any sort associated with hyperactivity of cocaine. The impact of the vaccine lasts for at least 13 weeks, the longest time point evaluated.

"While other attempts at producing immunity to cocaine have been tried, this is the first that will probably not require much, expensive infusion, and can move quickly into human trials," says Dr. Crystal. "There is currently no FDA-approved vaccines for drug addiction."

"A successful approach is indispensable for cocaine addiction, which is a matter of compromise throughout the world," he added. "There is no current therapy."

The novelty of this treatment possible is that it hooks a chemical structure very similar to cocaine, to the components of adenovirus, a common cold virus. In this way, the human immune system is vigilant against infectious agents (viruses), but also learn to "see" cocaine as an intruder, Dr. Crystal said. Once the structure of the new intruders are recognized, to build a natural immunity to the particles of cocaine, so every time snorting cocaine or used in any way, antibodies against the substance quickly produced and cocaine molecules are engulfed by the antibody and is prevented from reaching the brain.

"The human immune system are not naturally tag cocaine as something to be destroyed - like all small molecule drugs are not eliminated by antibodies," he said. "We've engineered it so that the response against cocaine mimics."

In this study, a team of researchers - scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University in Ithaca, and the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California - unload an adenovirus, just take the components that cause immune reactions and discard those that produce disease. They then link the analogue of cocaine on these proteins to make vaccines. "We're using an analog of cocaine as a bit more stable than cocaine, and also led to better immunity," says Dr. Crystal.

The researchers then injected the virus into the billions of these herbs in a "garden variety" laboratory mice (mice not genetically modified). They found a strong immune response generated against the vaccine, and these antibodies, if placed in the test tube, eating cocaine.

They then tested the vaccine effect on behavior, and found that mice that received the vaccine prior to cocaine less hyperactive, while on the drug than mice not vaccinated. The effect was even seen in rats that received large, repeated doses of cocaine. Proportionally reflect the amount of cocaine doses that humans can use.

This vaccine should be tested in humans, of course, said Dr. Crystal, but he predicts that if successful, it will function best in a person who was addicted to cocaine and who try to stop using drugs. "This vaccine can help them kick the habit because if they use cocaine, the immune response to destroy the drug before it reaches the brain's pleasure center."

In addition to Dr. Crystal, author of the study include Martin J. Hicks, Bishnu P. De, Jonathan B. Rosenberg, Jesse T. Davidson, Neil R. Hackett, Stephen M. Kaminsky and Miklos Toth from Weill Cornell Medical College; Jason G. Mezey of Weill Cornell Medical College and Cornell University in Ithaca, NY; Amira Y. Moreno, Kim D. Widow, Sunmee Wee and George F. Koob of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California

The study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from the National Institutes of Health.

ScienceDaily (January 5, 2011)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Collision Course of Cocaine

There was a time, not so long ago, when cocaine was considered a glamorous and strictly recreational drug for the rich and beautiful people. This was in the days of high-class parties and discotheque queens, and rock stars putting all their money up their nose. That party has ended long ago, and the reality has come up to pay.

It turns out that all the stories about coke not being addictive, and not being too street, and of being what many thought was a safe high are all known to be lies. Cocaine kills, it is as simple as that. Oh, it is quite the high, but it is the coming down that will do you in.

Coke works on the pleasure principles inside your brain. Without getting into the medical jargon and scientific know how, what it does allow the feel good chemicals, endorphins that are naturally produced in the brain, run amok and start rushing through to the mind all helter seltzer like. That is the part that feels so great, that endorphin rush.

But what happens is that rush wears off all too quickly, leaving the brain depleted of those same chemicals. Naturally, to achieve the balance again, it wants more. It will create more on its own, but this takes time and the wait can be depressing if not painful. So the solution is more of the drug. It works, so the cycle begins.
At the addiction stage all the user can think about is the drug. At this point they will begin to lose everything they once held dear. This includes, but is not limited to, jobs, cars, houses, husbands, wives, and children. But the dope takes it all and the addict keeps on taking the dope.

Do not be lulled by the hype of an easy high. You know the real news by now, right? Drugs are for losers, and no body likes a loser. Cocaine addicts are reduced to less than human status, all because they once thought that they could handle getting high. They cannot, and neither can you. Do not fall for the lies.

Other Theories Concerning Addiction Beginning to Carry Weight

For decades the most popular view on addiction was that it was a disease. If someone was addicted to drugs or alcohol it was because they had the gene for addiction. This theory insinuates that a two-year-old child playing in the yard is already an alcoholic. While this theory has reigned popular for decades, people are beginning to look for different avenues to explore when it comes to addiction.

Interestingly, when a name is diagnosed with the disease of addiction, they are not looking at MRI's X-Rays, or blood work, they are simply saying if you cannot stay away from alcohol, heroin or cocaine or any other drug, you have the disease of addiction. The reason why they are not looking at physical evidence is because addiction does not show up in MRI's X-Rays, or blood work. It does not show up because it is not a disease.

The biggest advocate for the disease theory regarding addiction is 12-step programs. This is where addicts go to get a better handle on their addiction. This is where addicts go to admit they are powerless, to admit that there are things about themselves that they cannot change. While this is the most mainstream view of addiction, it doesn't get the best results. Currently 12-step programs have anywhere from a 10-20% success rate, which is fine if you're treating an incurable disease. But what if there was another approach? What if there was a program that allowed a person to change and eliminate drugs and alcohol from their lives once and for all?

There are many programs out there that are answering the cry for more effective rehabilitation. In fact, some programs even boast a 76% success rate for permanent recovery. The key is, you have to be willing to think outside of the box. You have to be willing to research what is out there before committing to the same old program.

There are programs that address the physical side to addiction, and the presence of cravings. There are programs that address what problems drugs and alcohol were a solution to. There are programs that address an addicts responsibility towards their addiction and what they can do to handle it.

For many people addiction is something that they struggle with on a daily basis. There are millions of people out there who have a cocaine addiction or an alcohol addiction. The only way to get the help that will handle addiction is by enrolling in an effective drug and alcohol rehab.

Alternate Solutions to Imprisoning Addicts

As the ever increasing amount of illicit drugs are smuggled into the United States, a vicious cycle of crime and drug addiction has taken a strangle hold on the finances and law enforcement services of our country. The government has created a supposed "war on drugs" that has drained the country's finances for over a decade, with little improvement to show. 

The law enforcement system of our country has burdened itself by incarcerating people for crimes that should not put them behind bars. Every prisoner requires approximately $25,000 in processing and care-taking fees every year.

The large majority of these prisoners have been incarcerated due to possession of illicit drugs such as cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or marijuana, to name a few. The government has also implemented a mandatory jail sentence for the first time offense of possession of many of these substances. The truth is that instead of putting these people behind bars, the government should enlist the help of a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility to help these people manage and overcome their drug addictions.

More often than not, people who are arrested for possession of an illicit substance do their time in jail and once free, resort back to their old behaviors. This is why we have so many people with multiple drug offenses.

While in prison, they are never taught how to beat their addiction, and how to use useful relapse prevention techniques to kick the habit, therefore more often than not, they are looking to get high the minute they step out of jail.

What other countries have done to combat the legal issues of addiction is to make Drug and Alcohol Treatment mandatory for criminals charged with drug possession. The idea is instead of incarcerating these criminals for lengthy periods of time, give them the help they truly need to fight their addiction to drugs, which will hopefully provide them with the tools necessary to stay away from drugs and out of jail in the future.
Florida Drug Treatment

Meth Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab Advice

It's a purely-synthetic and highly-addictive drug that has wrecked lives all throughout the globe. Meth (methamphetamine) - also known as 'crystal' in the United States, 'yaba' in Thailand and 'shabu' in the Philippines - is abused by a wide cross-section of society, from blue collared workers to corporate types, causing unimaginable costs to society in general.

It's more dangerous than the highly potent cocaine even. Dr. Michael Abrams of Broadlawn Medical Center in Des Moines, Iowa, says Meth 'is the most malignant, addictive drug known to mankind.' He explains that the body has enzymes that break down cocaine, which is basically derived from coca leaves, but these enzymes are powerless with methamphetamine.

Dealing with persons addicted to this drug is not at all easy. Affected people are both physiologically and psychologically changed. Among the dangerous physical effects of meth use are increased blood pressure and breathing rates, stomach cramps, cardiac arrhythmia, insomnia, paranoia, hallucinations, stroke and even death.

A lot of meth-dependent individuals have tried to get rid of the habit unsuccessfully. It's hard to wake up one morning, say 'no' to it and forget about it. Curing an addiction just doesn't work that way. Treatment should be done step by step and in a long term, each step being quite relevant to the one before it.

There's no pill that can flush out all the settled harmful substance in your system. It takes a lot of determination on your part and the informed persistence of the people who are trying to help you overcome your dependence. Withdrawal symptoms include depression and other forms of psychological impairment that may last for several months.

While dealing with addiction appropriately was a major concern the world over a long time ago, several organizations have done significant efforts that effectively help sufferers to overcome their cravings. There is no other best way to solve it but to send meth dependents to drug rehabilitation centers.

At drug rehab facilities, people get a holistic treatment for their problems. In there, they will be given honest and caring support so that these affected ones will find their way back towards their happy and normal lives. The victims will be staying in the drug treatment facility for as long as they still show strong cravings for it.
Recovery from meth dependence is a possibility, but the withdrawal period can be tough on the patient and there is a possibility for relapse. While some prosperous nations have numbers of drug rehabilitation centers, poor ones don't. That is why this global problem has not been significantly dealt with. Worse, the number of meth addicts continues to rise.

Ultimately, meth addiction treatment relies on the support of the sufferer's family and loved ones. It's basically a social concern that needs a social solution. Knowing the reasons and circumstances that led the person to methamphetamine dependence and taking these away from his environment during and after the rehab period will be a great help.
For those who would like to learn more about meth addiction: meth addiction
When you need more information on cocaine rehabilitation, try searching for it here: cocaine addiction rehab

Alcohol Addiction and Drug Treatment Options - The Benefits and Side Effects

Today, alcohol addiction is the number one health problem in America and in 40 countries worldwide. Remarkably, only a small fraction of those who suffer with alcohol abuse actually seek treatment. For those who do, the various recovery options are confusing and limited. Support groups and 12-steps programs have been in existence for nearly a century and offer vital emotional support. Yet, they do not offer alcohol detoxification or treatment, which is vital in combating any addiction.

To address the physical nature of alcohol addiction, various drugs have been utilized to aid recovery. Not every person is a candidate for medication, and prescriptions only address one component of an alcohol disorder. In reality, alcohol dependence can damage health, relationships, finances, and careers. It often produces self-hatred, shame, guilt, anger, and resentment. And, unfortunately no pill can cure that.

Are you one of those individuals who, despite everything you have tried, cannot quit drinking? If so, perhaps you should examine some of the available prescription medications. Below is a comprehensive list of the medications that are currently being used for alcohol addiction:

Disulfiram (Antabuse or Refusal) is an alcohol-deterrent developed to prevent relapse. If you drink while taking it, you will likely experience very unpleasant physical reactions, particularly nausea and vomiting. These effects usually occur within 10 minutes and can last several hours.

This medication interacts with all forms of alcohol, even tiny amounts. So while taking it, you must avoid alcohol in all forms, including alcohol-free or "NA'' beers, which contain 0.1% alcohol. Also check the labels of deodorants, aftershaves, perfumes and mouthwashes to ensure they are alcohol-free. If you drink alcohol while taking this medication and experience severe symptoms, seek medical support at once.

Chlormethiazole (Heminevrin) is used in alcohol detoxification therapy. It acts to tranquillize the nervous system until the worst of the withdrawal symptoms have abated. The most common side effects during detoxification are drowsiness, blocked nose, dry eyes, headache, and skin irritation.

Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) is another medication used in alcohol detoxification therapy. It serves to tranquillize the nervous system until the worst of the withdrawal symptoms have abated. The most common side effects during detoxification are drowsiness, light-headedness, muscle weakness, and memory problems.
Acamprostate Calcium (Campral EC) is specifically designed to reduce the craving for alcohol. Its precise mechanism of action is not yet known, but it is believed to affect activity of the neurotransmitter glutamate.

Naltrexone Hydrochloride (Nalorex or ReVia) was developed to prevent relapse. It is an ''opiate antagonist'' meaning it blocks some of the effects of opiate drugs at the nerve-transmission level in the brain. Nalorex blocks the effects of opiate-based ''pain killing'' medications. (So dental injections to block pain will not work if you have taken it). The most common side effects include upset stomach and bowels, irritability and depression.

Neurontin (gabapentin) is a commonly used medication found to be useful in chronic pain conditions, including epilepsy, drug withdrawal, and mood disorders. Little has been documented about the effective use of this medicine for alcoholism.

GABA is the neurotransmitter-receptor system that has received attention in alcohol research -- yet it remains difficult to exploit therapeutically. Its major receptor type, the GABA-A, is involved in many of alcohol's acute and chronic effects. Medications that block GABA's ability to bind at the GABA-A receptor do block some of alcohol's effects. But, because this receptor system plays a role in so many vital brain functions, blocking it creates undesirable side effects. Current GABA-A-blocking drugs can cause convulsions, a side effect that must be eliminated before this receptor system can be targeted for therapy.

Baclofen (Kemstro, Lioresal) is a medication used to treat muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis. It acts through GABA receptors to inhibit the release of dopamine, thus reducing the desire for cocaine. When combined with counseling, baclofen seems to be most successful with chronic, heavy users of cocaine. Its effectiveness in alcohol abuse is unclear.

Immunotherapy (treatment with antibodies such as vaccines) has the potential to deactivate alcohol and other drugs, but has not been approved for use. Cocaine and nicotine vaccines are currently in clinical trials.
Topiramate (Topamax) is an anticonvulsant used to treat seizure disorders, and works through several mechanisms, including GABA and glutamate, to decrease abnormal brain activity. In clinical trials, topiramate helps prevent relapse to alcohol, opiate, and cocaine addiction. Early research also indicates it may be useful with nicotine-addicted patients as well.

Ondansetron affects serotonin neurotransmission, and research on similar drugs points to variable responses to treatment. This medication reduces the activity of a serotonin receptor (5-HT3) on which alcohol is known to act, and it has been shown to reduce the desire to drink.

Nalmefene is an opioid antagonist that neutralizes or counteracts the effects of opiates. In preliminary studies, it appears to reduce cravings and prevent relapse in alcohol-dependent patients.

One of these medications may indeed be one component of a successful recovery plan for certain people. If you decide to seek a prescription, you must take it under the close supervision of a physician with regular blood tests to monitor your liver function. Also, be aware of both the benefits and side effects before you take any medication.

However, medication is rarely the sole solution. Supplementary recovery options must be considered, including approaches based on the latest research in alcohol addiction. In the end, a comprehensive approach that crosses many disciplines may offer the greatest hope to a complete and successful recovery.
The author Kamran Loghman the Executive Director (2005-2010) of the National Institute For Alcohol Recovery (NIFAR), is an addiction researcher and expert on alcoholism, specializing in alcohol abuse, recovery, and prevention. He is dedicated to helping people quit drinking and providing support for family members impacted by alcoholism.

Cocaine Addiction Center - What They Offer

Cocaine is the top most abused recreational drug throughout the globe. This addiction has crossed the age barriers and now includes people from all job strata and income levels.

Starting out as an entertainment option, the addiction may increase to the level where the addict will use all means of getting the drug, even if it asks of him to resort to self-destructive schemes. Considering the increase in the abuse of this prohibited drug, immediate treatment is the only solution for bringing the addicts out of this devastating condition.

Addiction center for addicts dependant upon cocaine have a myriad variety of options for treatment.

 The rehab centers focus upon every aspect pertaining to cocaine addiction through the treatment programs.

The primary focus of a cocaine addiction center is to guide the addicted person throughout the treatment process to give the person options to stay sober and learn the ways to proceed without being dependant on the drug.

Enrolling into a treatment center becomes a vital option when the addiction to cocaine interferes with a person's quality of life directly, keeping the addict out of social circles, becoming enraged over trivial issues, staying in solitude and resorting to violence when access to the drug is denied. Overcoming any addiction, let alone cocaine, begins with understanding the consequences of the addictive substance.

Once the addict confronts the ill- effects of cocaine on health and social appearance and actually gets to see what the consequences are, it adds the first link to the chain of recovery. The next treatment step includes a direct introspection from a medical expert to monitor the addict's past life, the reasons that brought about the dependence on the drug, and the type of program that will suit the addict.

Although, a strong- willed person will be capable of withdrawing from the addiction and the drug itself, resorting to a better life and sobriety, such cases are rare. Most of the addictions, including that of cocaine, warrant professional intervention, such as that of a cocaine addiction center. Such treatment centers focus on implementing a drafted plan for addicts, which suits the requirements best and elevating the potential for a comprehensive recovery. The programs include the process of detoxification, medical counseling along with aftercare counseling. A complete rehabilitation program covers all elements in a treatment process thus rendering equal focus during the relapse period and the withdrawal symptoms.

The detox process of a treatment program needs constant guidance and surveillance. The withdrawal symptoms exhibited by the patients are at a high during this stage and thus, medical help may become necessary under such conditions. Expert medical professionals help the addicts throughout the symptomatic exhibits overcoming the tendency to relapse into the addiction. At a cocaine addiction center, patients are under a twenty-four hour supervision monitoring their body changes and mood alterations, thus keeping any chances of a slack at bay.

Most of the cocaine treatment centers provide the same features, although, some are better than other centers. While enrolling into an addiction center, care should be taken for checking out the unique facilities that they provide, along with the duration of the programs and the aftercare counseling. When confronted with a problem such as addiction, it is always better to make the most of a treatment facility to achieve a successful outcome.

Cocaine Use - The Physical Abuse it Doles on the Body

Cocaine use, as well as any prolonged drug use, has physical complications which go along with using it. The complications can run from minor complications we learn to deal with, to major medical complications caused by continued use, such as overdose, heart attack or stroke. Cocaine use is well known to be very harmful to the brain.
Loss of memory capabilities is one of the factors which comes from cocaine use. During the rush of a cocaine high, when the blood pressure elevates and the blood vessels constrict causing a lack of oxygen, the brain cells deteriorate at an elevated level.

When this high comes on and the blood pressure spikes and the blood vessels constrict the physical abuse on the blood stream is immense. This is why you hear of people having heart attacks and strokes with cocaine use.
There are several ways in which a person can take cocaine. It can be snorted, smoked or injected. All with physical complications derived from each. The problem being that many who use cocaine, often use all of these methods and therefore compounding the physical abuse.

Snorting cocaine (inhaling through the nose) will after time cause coke nose, which is damage to the mucus membrane of the nose. Cocaine users often have nose bleeds or runny and stuffy noses for days after their last usage. Coke nose is often visible when the ulcers deteriorate completely through to the outside of the nose.
Injection of cocaine, or any drug for that matter, carries the risk of infection and also carries the risk of HIV if the needles are shared. The sharing of needles is often common on the party scene.

Another physical abuse caused by cocaine addiction which is not often mentioned is the fact that cocaine is a cut drug. That meaning that the pure cocaine, because it is lethal, must be cut with some other substance to dilute it to a lesser potency, and also more money is made by the dealer with it cut.

The problem stems often from the cutting agent used. It has often been the norm for dealers to try different cutting agents to give a different high or a higher high. Animal worming solutions and other medicines are sometimes used to do this. These substances often break down the immune system which in time causes death, and many deaths from this go unreported because hospitalization is not often sought by heavy cocaine users.
As you can see cocaine use doles out much physical abuse on the body. It is imperative that when you see what complications it can cause that you seek help to get off the cocaine habit.

Necessary Precautions to Prescription Pills Addiction

Being addicted to doctor recommended pills is a serious concern majority of Americans deal with. The known addicts are famous personalities who undergo confinement or casualties from an excess of painkillers.

Many American citizens are vulnerable to prescribed medicines addiction, with almost 20 percent of the populous requiring prescribed medicines. Usually these prescribed pills are opioids, a type of drugs. Senior people are under the closest risk for dependence since they consume all sorts of medicines at their age.

As reported by the Drug Enforcement Administration, a bigger number of accidents stem from prescribed opioids than heroin and cocaine. Opioids' harmful consequences include vomiting, sedation, coma, respiratory depression and arrest, and drowsiness. The Administration's March 2009 document adds that state approved treatment centers are handling a higher amount of pain pill addiction cases.

In spite of the occurrence of dependence, opioids play a crucial solution in treating pain. The American Pain Foundation reports that over 76 million people from the US deal with pains lasting more than a day. About forty-two percent of that set must endure the pain for more than a year. Their sole solution from these pains is prescription drugs like hydrocodone, mepridine, and oxycodone. The possibility of addiction must not impede the positive effects of these medicines. There are precautions one can take to prevent prescription pill addiction.

The initial measure is to not change another doctor while under the opioid pill. Going to one physician spares you the hassle of knowing your history of pain pills. The knowledge on your consumption and potential signs of abuse will be coherent. You can also visit a pain professional, who'll scrutinize your medicine intake and refer to urine drug results to avoid addiction. A signed therapy contract is at times needed for physicians to take find a solution as soon as they suspect dependence. This action may entail approaching the person's family members.

In response to the matter, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and drug business are changing the medicine's composition to prevent their abuse. A recent progression is the OxyContin's new formulation, which reduces the medicine's quantity once the drugs are chomped or crushed. Grinding or crushing of pills is a typical means of abusing these forms of medicines.

The authorities are also initiating measures, with 40 states intending to submit policies for the establishment of prescription pill monitoring plans. These plans will manage the time, area, and consumers of prescription pills.

Medicine consumers also need to do their part in avoiding addiction. Patients who still experience pain in spite of taking medicine should visit their doctor. A prescription note is always required when it comes to painkillers. Pain medicines are unsafe when unprescribed but still consumed.

Don't rely on the recommendation given by a friend. The physician would prescribe another painkiller brand or pill amount schedule to stop the pain you're undergoing. People also need to note the different states their body is undergoing as they take the prescribed pain medicines. A tolerance to your pills will take a while, so don't be too upset about instantly seeing pain-free feelings.

There are also addiction-free solutions to painkillers. Injections of steroids or other forms of medicine can block the nerve that prevents pain signals. Other doctors recommend physical therapy or even behaviorial therapy, relaxing alternatives, or biofeedback. Acupuncture is another promising pain medicine, which uses the body's own pain killers by doubling your endorphins' level. These are commonly safer solutions and have fewer biological consequences.

Workouts should also be incorporated into the pain patient's lifestyle. Doing a regular workout schedule prevents muscle deterioration. The Annals of Internal medicine's 2005 study says that a monitored workout plan (planned according to your condition) will avoid pain and promises improved physical processes. Your doctor can advise a physical specialist or try seeking licensed personal body trainers.
Before purchasing, research on Online pharmacy first with an online pharmacy reviews site.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Addictive Are Cigarettes?

People commonly use the word addiction with regard to their smoking habits, as if to throw up their hands and say "See I'm addicted, I'm helpless to resist, there is nothing that I can do."

However, depite the common belief that nicotine is a highly addictive substance no official laboratory study has been able to definitively state that Nicotine is highly physically addictive.
Not highly addictive? Really?

When people are truly addicted to substances like Heroin or Cocaine you see a common factor. When these addicts are deprived of these substances the body malfunctions. Now, no one's body malfunctions when they stop smoking. Thousands of people quit every day and their body doesn't experience any of the physical withdrawal symptoms that you might see from a real addiction. It simply does not happen.

For example, no one wakes up in the night needing a cigarette. Yet Heroin and Cocaine addicts will wake in the night for a hit just to be able to get back to sleep.

What about a movie? Everyone can easily watch a good movie in a movie theater and sit through the entire show without a cigarette yet maybe a smoker would claim that they find it difficult to go 2 hours without smoking!

Ah, you may say...."So - why then does everyone think that cigarettes are addictive?"
Now...I'm not into conspiracy theories here but lets think for a short moment about whose interest it's in for you to think that cigarettes are addictive...There's only one. The Tobacco Companies!
Just think what a great marketing tool this is for ANY product!
Convince the purchaser that they cannot live without it
But the main point is this...
If you were addicted to cigarettes your body would malfunction without them.

You know that your body does not malfunction without cigarettes

...therefore there is no physical addiction.
For more information see http://www.freshstartmethod.com The internet stop smoking solution

An Introduction to Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine... let it roll off your tongue and ring in your ears for a second.
Why do highly addictive substances all sound so.. "cool". Cocaine and its derivatives, such as crack cocaine, are highly addictive substances.
Cocaine - or coke is smoked, snorted, injected, and probably even stuffed in places you don't want to know about. The user receives almost instant gratification and may feel euphoric, alert, powerful, or even sensual. Often times these "symptoms" are mixed with anxiety and or restlessness..or maybe just all out disregard.

Eventually (usually sooner than later) the high wears off and the users either uses more cocaine or "crashes".
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug, hence cocaine users will frequently go to extreme lengths in order to get another "hit" or "fix". Cocaine addicts are not limited to bums or teenagers, people of all statures are liable to become addicted to cocaine - no one is perfect. Cocaine addiction often effects not only the user, but people around the user as well. Friends, family or even jobs may be neglected, lied to and mislead in order to hide or satisfy the addiction. The user may go to extremes and concoct grand schemes in order to get the drug. This is one of the reasons addiction to cocaine or crack cocaine is often considered to be serious.
  •  Signs of cocaine abuse include:
 Change in mood, unusual appetite, altered sleep cycles, depression, absence at work and at home, running/sniffly nose, new group of friends and a drop in school grades. Loss of interest in hobbies and other activities are also common signs of cocaine use or other substance abuse.

People without their own money source (such as teenagers) may also have a frequent need for money, without good reason. Confronting the suspected user is the best solution. Cocaine addiction should not go overlooked and rehab options should be discussed and reviewed as soon as possible. Long term effects of cocaine use can include: irritability, mood swings, restlessness, paranoia, possible auditory hallucinations, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, social ineptitude, financial problems, liver and kidney problems, respiratory problems, and many other physical and mental health problems. And of course, addiction and dependence on cocaine.

The good news is that treatment options are available for cocaine addicts. Rehab centers are located all over North America and are designed to give recovering addicts a safe and healthy atmosphere in which they can overcome their addiction and conquer withdrawal. Many of these facilities are top-notch but I still recommend you research each facility thoroughly before committing a loved one.

Rehab centres offer a variety of comforts for recovering addicts, some of these include drug detox sessions, group and private therapy, positive reward systems, limited opportunities to buy drugs, supervision, sports and games, and a self-contained environment. Some rehab centers even offer yoga, volleyball and other fun activities to keep their occupants..well occupied.

Cocaine users who intend on quitting should expect to go through withdrawal. This can last from days to weeks and may feel horrible, but will be well worth it in the end. Withdrawal can include nausea, vomiting, disorientation, dizziness, numbness, cold sweats, fever, diarrhea, restlessness and many other mostly mild symptoms. With proper care and attention withdrawal can be managed without any major concerns.

Cocaine users must be confronted and pointed (but not forced) towards therapy and hopefully rehabilitation. Even after a drug addict has quit using the drug, the cravings and or habits may stick around for a long time. Some suggest that habits take about 7 months to fade entirely when not in use, however many drug addicts report craving their favored drug many years later. Only knowledge and experience keeps them from giving in.
Ryan Bombard is the owner and operator of Addiction-Spot which features a wide variety of drug addiction resources

Root Causes of Addiction - The Untold Secrets

I believe there to be a commonality or square root in all self destructive behavior, which causes an individual to choose addiction.
I also believe that addiction is a choice, and it is not caused by an incurable brain disease, a genetic predisposition, learned behavior or a chemical imbalance. However, before I describe "The Square Root of Addiction" I want to walk you through each of the existing theories related to addiction.

Currently, there are four main theories relating to the cause of addiction, which include the biological, or disease model, the psychological model, the sociological model and social learning model. I believe that most of these theories do play a role in addictive behavior. However, they mostly occur as a result of the addiction or in conjunction with it, and not as the root cause! These theories represent the current views regarding addiction, which are coveted by the medical community. Bear in mind that these are only theories, and none of them have been conclusively proven to be the cause of addiction.

The biological theory suggests that habitual users of drugs or alcohol have a biological abnormality that causes them to become addicted. The theory suggests that certain individuals are genetically predisposed to addiction by a faulty gene or perhaps a chemical imbalance in the brain, which renders addiction an incurable disease!
The psychological theory views drug or alcohol addiction as problematic behavior. In other words the individual uses alcohol or drugs to enjoy the effects that these substances have on the mind and body.

The sociological theory suggests that societies which produce higher levels of inner tensions such as guilt, stress, suppressed aggression and conflict have higher rates of addiction. Furthermore, the model suggests that societies that are permissive of and encourage such behavior have higher rates of addiction.

The Social learning theory suggests that drug or alcohol addiction is a learned behavior and continues because the user gets some desired outcome from it. The model also suggests that these behaviors are learned by being exposed to certain stimuli; people, places, things, thoughts and feelings.

The sociological model does touch briefly on the fact that emotional issues are related to addictive behavior. However, this theory seems to bridge the relation directly to the societal breakdown in some groups where higher levels of inner tension and permissive behavior are prevalent. I believe that it is not the emotional issue itself, but rather understanding the cause of the emotional issue that is of the utmost importance.

The psychological model suggests that the addict displays problematic behavior by using drugs or alcohol to enjoy the effects the substance has on the mind and the body. Logically speaking, I would venture to say that people using drugs or alcohol do enjoy the effects they have on the mind and body. However, that is not the reason they have chosen to use those substances. People choose self destructive habitual behavior not to enjoy the effects but to mask the pain of underlying emotional scars caused by family dysfunction. The social learning model suggests that addiction is a learned behavior resulting from the stimuli of people, places, things and thoughts. I would not dispute the fact that repeated exposure to this type of behavior could induce a learned behavior.

However, this theory can not explain why some individuals exposed to the same stimuli would opt to just say no! I believe that difference hinges upon whether an individual has the need to mask the pain of underlying emotional scars and their personal level of coping skills. While some of the abovementioned models touch on the fact that emotional issues play a role in addiction, none of them have addressed the underlying cause of these emotional issues. Are these emotional issues caused by the stress factors of work, relationships, financial difficulties and every day life, or are they caused by something that runs much deeper? Why is that some can cope with the stresses of everyday life while others can not?

Personality dictates the level of coping skills that each of us possess, allowing some to endure a greater degree of stress and others to turn to the need to mask their pain with addictive behavior. The pain of these emotional scars goes much deeper than the every day stress factors and stems from issues of family dysfunction. From a very early age we learn a system of beliefs from our families and sometimes these beliefs serve us well, and some times they are dysfunctional.

When you consider that eighty five percent of all families are dysfunctional, you can begin to concur that more often than not these beliefs are self limiting to our well being and happiness. A cocaine addiction and Family Dysfunction a case-control study in southern Brazil is one of the few that I have seen that has explored the effects of family dysfunction. The conclusion of the study was that a point could be argued for the need of family intervention as a whole and for continued research. I beg to differ with this conjecture, which concludes that intervention is the solution to the addictive behavior. Intervention gives the very people responsible for the dysfunctional behavior an opportunity to lambaste the addicted individual with a barrage of shame and guilt while ignoring their own inadequacies.

Plain and simple; the reason that people choose addictive behavior is to mask the emotional pain of the underlying scars caused by family dysfunction.
Best wishes,
David Roppo

Ritalin Addiction

In America today we face a grave issue, the overuse of prescription drugs to combat attitude and emotional problems.
America has become a drug society, and I am not speaking of common street drugs such as marijuana, heroin, or cocaine, I am speaking of prescription drugs, drugs that you can obtain from your local physician or psychiatrist.

One drug in particular that is being sold on the black market, college campuses, high schools, and even middle schools, is a drug called Ritalin. The prescribing of the drug Ritalin to cure Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD is a serious problem today.

In his sophomore year of high school my uncle was recommended to visit a psychiatrist. After a series of tests the psychiatrist diagnosed my uncle with ADD, and he prescribed the drug Ritalin as a medicine for this diagnosis. Within the next two months following the prescription my uncle became very addicted to Ritalin, he crushed and snorted it, and even dealt this drug to other kids at his school for two to five dollars a pill.

Later, my uncle became highly addicted to cocaine, which is a common story for people who take Ritalin, because of the similar nature of the two drugs. In fact the Drug Enforcement Administration categorized all drugs, legal and illegal into five categories. The first category of drugs has the highest addictive capabilities and lowest medicinal use.

Essentially, category one contains the hardest drugs. Category two is only a notch below one, and it contains drugs such as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Methylphenidate, or Ritalin as it is more commonly known. Yes, both Cocaine and Ritalin have been classified Category II narcotics by the DEA, yet one is illegal and the other is given to young children by doctors and their parents.

From 1990 to 2000 over 569 children were hospitalized due to Ritalin prescription, 38 of them were life threatening conditions, and 186 died. The National Institute of Health has even stated that "[They] do not have an independent, valid test for ADHD, and there is no data to indicate that ADHD is due to brain malfunction," which is what Ritalin treats.

Dr. David Williams, who has researched ADD and ADHD has found that "ADD/ADHD is not a chemical imbalance in the brain, but rather is caused by food and additive allergies, heavy metal toxicity and other environmental toxins, low protein and high carbohydrate diets, mineral imbalances, thyroid disorders, amino acid deficiencies and other acid deficiencies." Often times schools will recommend students to see psychiatrists, to fix their behavioral problem, these doctors in turn will then unnecessarily diagnose the students with either ADD or ADHD and prescribe them Ritalin, in order to give the student a quick fix solution to their behavior problem.

According to a recent Washington Post article, an FDA advisory board recently voted to require a health warning on Ritalin. According to the article, "members of the board said the recommendation was driven as much by worries that the drugs are being overused in the United States as by the possible side effects: About 10 percent of 10-year-old American boys are taking such medications, and there have been recent sharp increases in the number of adults taking them." It's incredible to think that 1 out of every 10 ten-year-old boy in American is legally taken a category II narcotic.

Why do doctors and psychiatrists prescribe a highly addictive and poisonous drug that is ranked at the same level as Cocaine? Why do they want the quick fix drug that does not address the real issue of nutritional deficiency? Why don't they instead work with their patients to improve their diet and put them on a strict vitamin and mineral regimen? Improving nutrition and diet is the non-narcotic solution to the ADD and ADHD problem, not the extremely dangerous Ritalin, which can cause death and is considered a gateway drug.
 JT Daily

How Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse Can Hook You

For anyone who has never had an addiction to anything, it can be difficult understand and even harder to empathise with someone who seems to be on a self-destructive path in life. Certainly as a friend, spouse, partner or colleague it can be frustrating to see the help and support you give have seemingly little or no affect.
Generally speaking people do not choose to be addicted to anything.

It is true of course that people become addicted to a substance knowing full well that this substance has addictive qualities. The price of addiction may seem a high one to pay but history has shown that people still do it.
If you take the example of whether to try smoking or not, the decision to smoke is often because of the perception of what you will (perceptually) gain (confidence, acceptance, individuality etc) by smoking. This gain or attraction to smoking for many proves to be stronger than any fears about what the negative results of smoking (illness and even premature death).

Likewise when someone contemplates taking drugs whether the drug is cocaine, heroin, crack cocaine, amphetamines, cannabis, ecstasy or others, the thoughts that sway someone to indulge in drugs are what they will gain from taking it. The negative side of the equation which might be addiction may not be powerful enough to stop someone trying a knowingly addictive drug.

Young men and women are the most vulnerable, particularly when going through puberty and moving from a young teenager into a young adult. Responsibility, and particularly, self-responsibility may feel like too much pressure or need to conform to rules and regulations. It is often agreed that are most rebellious years are the teenage years.

Naturally if your friends are already indulging in drug taking, your chances of eventually taking those drugs too are increased dramatically. Most smokers agree that they started because their peer group was smoking. If your peer group's drug of choice was ecstasy then you are more likely to try this drug.

The other group of addicts started their drug addiction as a form of escape. They had some experience or were going through experiences which they found difficult to cope with. If you can't cope with a situation and feel you don't have the power or means to change it directly, the other option that is contemplated is escape. Drugs of any sort, alter the chemicals in the brain, and in effect provide a mental escape, even if this is only temporary.

Although there are other reasons why people start to take drugs, the above reasons...
  •   The attraction qualities (acceptance, rebelling, individuality) may out-weigh the fear of becoming an addict 
  •   Escape from some uncomfortable experience
are probably two of the most popular causes for drug addiction.

The good news is that it is possible to be clean and become drug-free. The challenge is to find the solution for you. There is no one single method for quitting drugs that works for everyone. The reason why people do manage to quit heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy and a whole host of other drugs is because firstly they make a decision to stop and secondly they never stop going after what the really want.
Steven Harold
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypnotherapists London
Drug Addiction Hypnosis

A Glance at the Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine addiction treatments are administered to addicts who are incapable of thinking beyond the realm of the drug. Highly addictive by nature, it drives a person to any extent to get his hands on the substance. Such treatments play an important role in the lives of the addicts because generally those who want to get rid of their addiction are unable to do so on their own.

Cocaine is a stimulant and its effects bring about pleasurable feelings in the user. Small quantities do not harm as much as its prolonged use. Known to affect the central nervous system, it also causes hallucinations and many users complain of 'hearing voices'.
In some cases it may cause paranoia and keep the addict alienated from reality. Cocaine addiction treatments provide the solution for the addict to fight his addiction.
Detoxification - first step to fight back

The first step is to decrease the intake of the drug and gradually flush out all toxins from the body. Intake of the drug should not be stopped suddenly because the body gets used to the cocaine and stopping it abruptly will disrupt the balance of chemicals in the body. Detoxification should be done under the care and guidance of medically trained professionals. This process is very difficult but is necessary to get the body functioning as before.

  • Repair the damage - help the body regain its strength.

In the second part of the process, the body must be given a chance to regain its strength. Constant use of cocaine affects the body and the physical being of the addict must be taken into consideration. Drug users often have financial problems and the little money they have, they prefer to spend it on drugs. Thus the addicts do not consume healthy food but prefer to stay high on the drug to keep themselves divorced from the reality. Cocaine addiction treatments have diet charts where the necessary nutrients, minerals etc are restored in the body. Daily walks and yoga should be indulged in to give the person the opportunity to divert his attention.

  • Regain emotional balance.

The entire cocaine addiction treatment may prove strenuous for the addict. Also since he is off the drug, his sensory organs will not remain numb as they did during the time of addiction. He would have to face a gamut of emotions which he probably didn't have earlier. Thus, the need for counselors is imperative at this point. Counselors help and guide the addict through the treatment and continue to boost their spirit at every level. It is important to prevent the individual from slipping into depression as it has a far more lasting effect than any drug.

  • Cocaine addiction treatments help the addict to fight inside out.

Various centers are available where they help the addict to face his problems and enable him to do so physically, mentally and emotionally. Battling this addiction may not be easy but by the sheer determination of the addict, the guidance of the counselor and the support of family and friends, reversing the ill effects of cocaine addiction can become much easier. Lifestyle changes are important. A recovered individual needs to be more involved with his family, friends and society. He would find gainful employment as a good way to keep busy. Having a hobby or interest will also keep him interested in life where thoughts of cocaine do not intrude.

Hypnotherapy For Addictions, Compulsions and Habits

Compulsive patterns of behavior can be experienced by many people. These are compulsions that they would rather not have. These behaviours or compulsions might be in the form of a an urge, habit, or even addiction.
Referring to an encyclopedia's definition, a compulsion is "obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions which attempt to neutralize the obsessions". On the other hand the Oxford English dictionary defines a compulsion as "the action or state of compelling or being compelled or an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way."

With regard to a habit the Oxford English dictionary, states it is "A settled or regular tendency or practice. " Some compulsions, habits, urges and addictions may be life-affirming and considered as "healthy" pursuits. For example if you feel compelled to make a positive difference to your life or someone else's by taking some action such as supporting a local charity, that would be considered healthy and commendable.

Alternatively, if you supported that same charity because you had a fear of what would happen to you, if you did not, than that would probably be an unhealthy compulsion.

You might say that a health compulsion or urge is like having a passion for something. An unhealthy compulsion or urge is a behavior that seemingly controls you.

  • Unwanted Urges, Habits, Compulsions, Addictions

Therefore, when a habit, urge, compulsion or addiction is not a healthy response to thoughts, feelings, emotions or events that it then becomes a unwanted, affects the self esteem and is a problem.

It is common for habits and addictions to be introduced to someone's life as a solution to an existing issue or life-challenge. For example, loss of some sort can affect people in many different ways. An individual who has lost their job may find their anxiety and stress levels have increased. They would naturally want to seek a way of reducing their stress and feeling more relaxed. They might turn to cocaine as their solution. This might be effective in the short-term. In the long-term though the continued use of cocaine leads to another problem. In effect the previous solution to stress (drugs) now becomes the problem itself. This is why it is vital that healthy solutions are chosen initially.

  • Hypnotherapists Help Unwanted Compulsion

 Hypnotherapists are particularly effective at helping people change unwanted habits, urges, compulsions and addictions. As long as the individual is motivated to change, a hypnotherapist will often work with the client to discover the root cause of the initial problem.

A typical hypnotherapy session can include a period of memory regression to not only discover a past event but to help change how that event or experience has been processed or perceived by the client. We are all different and perceive situations uniquely. What will drive one person to drink will have a different effect on someone else.

Hypnotherapy also helps to instill new habits to form. The imagination is a vital part of any change work when hypnotherapy helps with addictions, habits, urges and compulsions.
Most unwanted behaviours are learnt. In other words, you are not born with them. If they are learnt, you can unlearn them and discover a better and healthier way of living.

Now whether you have OCD, use drugs, alcohol or smoke, these are all types of unwanted behaviours which include habits, urges, compulsions and some sense of addiction. Nail-biting, insomnia, blushing, eating for emotional reasons, bruxism (jaw-clenching), unwarranted outbursts of anger and sulking are all reactions to situations that have become second-nature and therefore habitual.

There is no doubt that addictions can take many forms such as an addiction to a substance (cocaine, barbiturates, amphetamines, alcohol, ) as well as to specific behaviours (pornography access, internet use).
All of these current unwanted behaviour issues may have helped a past and current emotion that was and still is difficult to deal with such as loneliness, loss, anxiety, fear, worry, dread and love. Now, the behaviour has become part of the problem. Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome these unwanted behaviours and get you back into feeling good about yourself encouraging a healthy and stronger inner confidence and self-esteem.
Steven Harold
Clinical Hypnotherapist - London Hypnotherapy for Addictions
Addictions Hypnosis

Bees May Aid in Cocaine Research

When we think of laboratory animals that are the subjects of experiments, many people think of guinea pigs or rats, but who would have thought that bees would make a perfect group of subjects?

Entomologist Andrew Barron of Macquarie University in Sydney did a study that was published last month in the Journal of Experimental Biology that focused on honeybees. Barron and his team found through this study that bees' response to cocaine parallels that of humans, a rather significant finding, according to the scientific world.

Cocaine's effect on honeybees

Unlike many other insects that are typically killed by the neurotoxin, cocaine, honeybees actually feel rewarded by it. Barron's team taught the bees to forage at a supply of sugar water, and then began to place small drops of cocaine on the bees' backs while they were foraging, and then stood back and watched their reaction.

Bees normally do a "waggle dance" after collecting pollen to communicate the food source to the rest of the bees. But after receiving the cocaine, these bees danced more enthusiastically than normal, which seemed to show that they overestimated the value of the sugar water. These bees weren't doing a typical waggle dance, they were telling their fellow bees that there was something really good out there that they needed to try. The cocaine affected the bees' reward center, causing them to become addicted just as humans do.

Withdrawal symptoms in bees 

Barron then tested the bees for withdrawal symptoms and found that while most bees could be taught to distinguish between lemon and vanilla scents, those bees that had been on cocaine and then had the cocaine supply taken away had trouble learning the task. Humans also suffer mental impairment during cocaine withdrawal.

Research benefiting humans

Some of us might be wondering if this experiment has an application in the human world, and the good news is that it does. The most basic knowledge researchers are hoping to find through experiments like these is how cocaine works in the human brain.

Humans and honeybees are both very much driven by rewards, and they both are altered in similar ways by cocaine. By studying the effects of cocaine on honeybees, researchers hope to gather information about the effects on humans also. Scientists are hoping to identify the bees' neural pathways that are targeted by cocaine in order to better understand the mechanisms involved in human addiction.

Could it be that these honeybees hold the key to our addiction solutions? Only time will tell what all we can learn from these little insects, but the task of finding out could be a tedious one, and one that could take a while. These scientists will continue to make steps toward preventing addiction and hopefully one day we will have a solution.

Sources :
Maugh II, Thomas Honeybees Can get Hooked on Cocaine December 27, 2008
Barron, Andrew, et. al Effects of Cocaine on Honey Bee Dance Behaviour December 26, 2008
Knight, Kathryn Honey Bees Succumb to Cocaine's Allure

Vaccines To Stop Cocaine Addiction Being Tested

Once you are hooked on drugs, it will take a time to recover. Withdrawal symptoms and a sense of euphoria will always be at hand for those who have been victims of drug addiction and wanting to change.

But with the introduction of a cocaine vaccine, all the pains and burdens of a recovering patient will soon be over. Recently, a couple, who were both doctors, presented their innovative cocaine vaccine, which is believed to be the first in the market that will ease the treatments for drug addicts.

Baylor College of Medicine researchers Dr. Tom Kosten, a psychiatry professor and his wife Therese, a psychologist and neuroscientist in Houston joined forces in creating a remedy for cocaine addiction. Dr. Kosten said with their discovery people who have the eagerness to stop taking cocaine will be helped by the new vaccine.

As the vaccine is injected to the patients, the victims will no longer feel the special "highness" and the satisfaction that they used to experience should they be tempted to take again prohibited drugs. Most will surely refrain from taking in cocaine as they will be losing interest in what they used to take.
Based on initial clinical studies, the vaccine attacks the immune system. This results in the inability of the body system to recognize the cocaine taken in, whether cocaine or other variants, responsible in stimulating brain activity and generating a sense of highness among drug addicts.

The vaccine, according to the researchers, inactivates the molecules of cocaine and prevents them from getting into the brain. As this happens the drug-taker will not experience euphoria or a special feeling of highness.

Dr. David Eagleman, a neuroscientist of the same hospital, said this is a great discovery since most scientists for the past decades were analyzing how to block the pathways of the drugs like cocaine going to the brain. But with the new vaccine, it is a solution to that long problem.

The vaccine has already been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for trial, which will be tested in spring. If this will work, this will be helpful in rehabilitating the conditions of the drug patients. But critics are saying this may not work in some patients.
Read more of his blogs at http://maynard_delfin.instablogs.com

Community-Based Drug Addiction Treatment Center

You can find numerous community based drug addiction treatment center programs that are operating in various regions of the United States of America. In addition to general health care centers, there are several other centers giving focus on drug addiction treatment programs like state hospitals, treatment clinics, and de-addiction centers. Some of the treatment centers are managed by non government, voluntary, and non-profit organizations. The community-based addiction treatment programs are also serving addicts residing in different locations in the US.

The main objective of these community-based addiction programs is to reinforce the relationship of an addict with his family and community. These drug addiction treatment centers pursue different avenues of treatment like allopathy, ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga and homeopathy coupled with several kinds of psycho therapy to motivate the patient and instill a strong determination to fight against the addiction and regain control over his/her situation. The centers offer a variety of rehabilitation services for treatment against cocaine addiction, heroin addiction and methadone addiction.

If an addict wants to get completely cured from his addiction then he should opt for the appropriate treatment program that provides the favorable result he is seeking. The involvement of the family members or close friends in the treatment process and will have a positive effect on an addict. In order to promote these initiatives, there are numerous de-addiction camps organized regularly at the community level throughout the country by several voluntary associations.

Basically, these camps would provide counselling, rehabilitation facilities and primary medical care, especially for addicts in these localities. These camps create therapeutic communities and awareness regarding the options they have amongst the addicts. Apart from this, these camps conduct private meetings for addicts, where they learn from other addicted individuals as to how to lead a normal life and gain freedom from the chains of drug addiction.

Community based treatment centers are effective as they target a focused group of individuals who are addicts or associated with someone who is. They are able to provide solutions more effectively as they have a basic knowledge of the community and the circumstances that could influence individuals to become addicts in that particular area. Generally these treatment centers include a variety of services ranging from detoxification to aftercare programs that effectively cater to the needs of an addict. This treatment model includes non specialist services that can support and guide an addict during emergency situations.
The primary goal of community based drug addiction treatment center is as follows:
  •  Encourage behavioural change in a community.
  •   Active involvement of local community members and organizations in establishing a community based network service for empowerment of addicts,
  • Integration of rehabilitation and drug treatment programs into community health,
  • Accountability and sustainability of community,
The community based drug addiction treatment center focus on encouraging the addicts to cultivate their natural instincts to manage their drug addiction and associated problems within a community. The diversified service offered by treatment centers would assure the best possible result for people suffering from drug addiction.

The treatment service is available for an addict when and where it is required. The services can be provided in social settings like schools, colleges, local clinics, private homes, or other friendly environment.

However, the services may be limited to as they will not have the adequate resources or funding. In some regions, specific population like youth and others lack treatment options. So in order to provide basic medical care for addicts the government authorities in conjunction with voluntary organizations have incorporated a better treatment program for addicts. Under this project every drug addict can gain access to quality treatment.

Crack Addiction - A Harsh Reality

There is nothing pretty about crack cocaine. Crack cocaine use is a growing problem in inner cities and it is moving to the suburbs. Crack abuse affects society on many levels. The high is intense and the person high on crack feels up and motivated but it doesn't last long. The viciousness of this addiction sets in soon after the addict runs out of dope or the money to get it.

People who sell crack often sell it to support their habit. There are people who sell it to make money and do not use it. They are the ones driving luxury cars and living in high rent districts who seem to have no means of work or support.
Both types of dealers are predators on society in that they are a vital link to the growing crack problem. They will accept stolen goods as well as money as payment. They stand on street corners, entrances to all night mini marts, and use cell phones to stay connected with their buyers. If they get arrested they are usually back out on the streets selling their wares before the ink gets dry on the warrant for their arrest.

The addict usually starts out using occasionally but, they do get out of control quickly. They exhaust their families savings, max out credit cards, and spend most of their income on it rather than paying their bills. I have even heard that people use their food stamps and welfare checks to buy crack. They will also steal from family members, friends and have been known to resort to breaking and entering into businesses and homes to find small valuables that can be either traded for dope or pawned for money to get dope. Once a person is hooked their life focus becomes how can I get more.

People who use crack are full of shame and fear. They are in a trap that normal people just can't understand. Although their behavior may be criminal, we must remember in dealing with people with this problem that they are human and are in pain. They use crack to not feel this pain and shame.

Many families have had expensive planned professional interventions for their loved ones only to see them go right back out as soon as they get out of rehab. It is very heart breaking. If you have a minor child that is using this drug I feel as a parent it is necessary to try and reach them with rehab and whatever other resources are available to you. You may be able to reach them when they are young.

Often times family members and friends have no choice but to ban the person who uses crack from their lives in order to protect themselves and their property from the addicted loved one. Many Grandparents end up caring for their grand children because the crack addicted parent can't feel a sense of responsibility for their children.If your loved one is an adult they are much harder to reach if they have been using for more than 6 months. In recovery circles it is said that in order for someone to wake up and realize that they need to get clean that the pain of using has to become greater than the pain of not using. What looks like a bottom to a regular person may be Mt. Everest to a person who is using any substance. Depending on the addict and how far gone they are death maybe the only bottom they ever reach.

Women as well as men will trade demeaning sexual acts to get high. Prostitution is not uncommon among crack users. Many women resort to it so they can stay high.

The children of crack addicts are the most innocent and vulnerable victims of crack use in that at least they will be neglected left alone at all hours while their parents are out prostituting or committing other crimes to get drugs it is also not unheard of that children will be used for prostitution or actually sold to get drugs. When and if intervention on behalf of the children of crack addicts is implemented much damage has already been done to the child.

Although crack is said to not be physically addictive and withdrawal symptoms are not near as sever as withdrawal from alcohol and heroin the psychological addiction is very hard for an addict to break. It is my understanding that most crack addicts get clean on their own and that forced rehab can often cause deep resentments that give the addict the excuse they need to keep using. Family members often try to find help for their addicted loved ones and end up getting crushed in the process. It seems addiction takes on a life of its own it is powerful, cunning, and baffling.

Law enforcement doesn't seem to have any handle on the problem. Many people want help but cannot afford it. It is said that if the addict does not want help there is very little chance that rehab will help. Sometimes being put in prison does help an addict but more times than not prison does not deter use because drugs are available in prison and I think it is totally ironic that the prison guards are bring the stuff in and have a side business of selling drug to the inmates that often times yields an income that is greater than their salary.

There is a theory that addicts are born not made. It is believable that their brains have low levels of certain hormones.  When a person with this condition comes into contact with a substance that raises the hormone level to what for the rest of us would be a normal level they loose all control and making it very difficult to want to go back to their own low although still normal levels. The people who are working with this theory believe the cure for addiction is to help the addict learn to live with their natural born hormone levels rather that try to alter them in anyway. I believe this is a good theory. Everyone else has to accept them self the way they are why not an addict?

Nobody plans on becoming a drug addict. I hope better solutions for a cure come about for societies sake and the sake of the addicts and the families that fall apart.
Thank you for reading this. God bless.
Lisa Roberts

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cocaine Rehab-Making a Humanitarian Statement

Cocaine rehab has become a humanitarian statement according to Shared Responsibility. Shared Responsibility is a Colombia-led initiative for illicit-drug producing and consuming countries to work on shared solutions to the threat that cocaine production, trafficking and abuse poses to the world. By informing the public about the social and environmental effects of cocaine, it may give impetus to those who want to quit cocaine and to those who are thinking of trying it.

While the majority of cocaine is shipped to the US, the European market is expanding. That is why Shared Responsibility has brought its message to Europe.

Cocaine rehab treatment services unfortunately, are poorly developed across Europe. While in the US where cocaine rehab treatment is easily available, the number of admissions to treatment has gone down. In 1994 treatment admissions for cocaine addiction was 297,408 when the population was 262 million, and in 2004, treatment admissions went down to 256,387 and the population expanded to 293 million. Between October 1, 2004 and September 30, 2005, the US Federal Government sentenced 10,838 for cocaine-related charges of which 97% involved trafficking.

Enhanced treatment programs and curbing cocaine trafficking are really helping. However, we can hope that informing the public about the people that are hurt throughout the process of cocaine production, trafficking and abuse and the consequences of the environmental devastation will also bring down cocaine use, especially now that information is more readily available with today's technology.

What kind of information would be able to dissuade someone from using cocaine? As we have heard in the past, the very personal complications are usually the first ones thrown at us. We usually hear about the people who use cocaine will talk a lot, become restless, have irritability, their heart rate and blood pressure increase, and they have delusions and antisocial behavior.

They become nervous, fearful, and paranoid. Their central nervous system becomes depressed, and they experience nausea, fatigue, depression and insomnia. To some people this would be enough information to stay away. Another aspect would be the financial future of such an under taking. The problem with this is that people really don't think that they would throw their money away that should be spent on normal things until it's pointed out to them and by that time it's to late. Hey, what is $50 a day, or $100 a day, or $500 for the weekend.

Six months later, they cannot even tally up what was spent. Chilling. The other part of the financial discussion that is never broached due to etiquette has to do with all of the cocaine/crack users and dealers that end up resorting to crime. Some of the common ones are assault and robbery, theft, home invasions, auto theft, domestic violence and prostitution.

Now if you would have told any of these addicts prior to them ever getting high that if they ever tried cocaine even once, they would end up stealing, threatening or even hurting and killing somebody. Well they would have looked at you and said, "Are you mad! I would never ever do any thing criminal to someone else. That's just sick!" Ah, life before cocaine, it made sense.

Maybe you just have to catch the right person, with the right piece of info, at just the right time. If someone is repulsed by war for any reason then you could inform him or her that for each dollar of cocaine sold in the streets of the world, 10 to 15 cents end up in the hands of Columbia's armed groups to continue financing the war. Moreover, in the last 4 years 3,400 assassinations occurred in Columbia by terrorist groups financed by drug trafficking. If you know someone that is, environmentally concerned for the future of our planet you could say that in order to produce 2.2 pounds of cocaine you need to use 440 pounds of environmentally harmful chemicals. In addition, in the last three years 429,954 acres of forest have been burned and logged in order to grow coca.

When your friend, who cares so much about the rights of children, thinks about going to try something new to unwind, you can explain how seven thousand children have been recruited by force by groups financed by trafficking. Moreover, that in Columbia accidents by land mines are taking place at a rate of four a day and that 65% of them are children, of course, the reason for the landmines is to protect the coca plants and the armed groups.

For those that need to have it served up large you can tell them that in Columbia, due to the criminal activity of the cocaine trade, two million people have been forced to leave their homes, these rural poor have fled to urban areas where the murder count in 2003 was 30,000. In addition, several Indian tribes are now close to extinction.

Crack Cocaine Abusers - Why They Lied to You Again

Crack cocaine abusers and liars, so the families and associates of crack users tell me, are one and the same. Is it possible to remove the lies while cocaine is still being abused? Hope I don't have to answer that question for you.
Yet, that is the situation I am put in time and time again as a drug rehab consultant. The family or spouse calls me and tells me: "I love him dearly, but I just don't know if I can trust him anymore. He keeps telling me he's going to quit and then I catch him again. It's getting so that I don't believe anything he tells me."
Drug abusers can be so mentally bankrupt they can't even pay attention. They stare at you and agree with everything you say, then can't follow through to do any of it.

The above is a more common happening than could be believed. I'll put it this way, that's how nearly every conversation started that I had with a client calling me. After a while, I found myself giving the same advice over and over. I trust this advice will help you and a loved one out.

Crack Cocaine Quick Facts

In Atlanta, GA about 50% of those arrested for crime test positive for cocaine
In Toronto & Vancouver Canada crack is a major drug of choice of homeless and poverty stricken
Smoking crack cocaine stimulates the brain faster and more intensively than regular cocaine, but people develop a FAST tolerance to the drug and can never achieve the high they just had
Paranoia, anger, hostility, anxiety are common effects of crack

Heart attack, seizures, tooth decay, skin eruptions, illness, stroke are potential effects of crack use

Anti-social behavior is possible of a suspected crack abuser. Minimally, a crack abuser will be associating with many criminal elements of society. And the cravings can lead to anti-social activities. I'm not just talking about drug use. I'm talking about infidelity, selling oneself, violent crime, property crime, drug dealing.
Something quite important to remember in all this disaster is that the loving person you once knew, before the drug abuse and the lies, is buried underneath a pile of regret, apathy, lies and artificial personalities. That means crack abusers often become someone else on their road down addiction.

Remember when they were fun to be with, trusting and trustworthy? When a tender moment with your loved one meant something? Maybe they've been cutting away for a long while and you have to go way back to recall some affection. I've found most, but not all people are basically acting on good motivation.
When someone fails themselves, when they violate their own integrity or personal code of honor, they begin a downward spiral sped up with crack cocaine abuse. Often times people will feel degraded by their own mis-actions. If a solution isn't forthcoming and within an abusers ability to grasp, they'll continue to abuse crack.
Mostly, families and loved ones of crack cocaine abusers err by not preparing themselves with knowledge and then act fast enough to rescue an addict when they have that brief moment of clarity. Learning is a two way street for those involved with crack abusers.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cocaine - How it Works on the Brain

Cocaine elevates the amount of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin which are all pleasure elevating molecules. Simply put the brain is so flooded with these molecules that it does not know how to respond to highly elevated and unnatural levels. The cocaine also increases blood pressure and heart rate. These all combined give the whirl, or the high as it is usually called.

Sometimes antidepressants (cocaine derivative) are prescribed to help those who need stimulation, such as ADHD, obesity and narcolepsy. Often many people who are in these scenarios' without doctors help, and others who also desire a stimulant, use illegal cocaine and become addicted because their usage is not regulated.

Cocaine usage elevates the amount of dopamine, the main reuptake inhibitor, and this elevated amount of unnatural levels into the nucleus accumbens leaves the brain feeling depraved. The continued use then causes the brain to change it's neuron levels to have less dopamine receptors and therefore less excitability. This is what makes the user seek a higher amount of cocaine to try to feel the same high as the first high.

When the user is not high, they will feel terrible because their dopamine levels are down to the normal level. The brain has developed a tolerance and does not feel right if the levels are normal, because it is used to the high.
This is what causes an addiction, because the user feels they must use it again to feel good.
Because cocaine changes the way the brain reacts, it makes cocaine addiction very hard to overcome compared to many other cravings.

When the body calls for a physical craving, it is easier for the brain to override the craving and overcome the desire. However, when the brain is calling for that craving, it then really becomes a mental battle to overcome that desire. When someone stops using cocaine, the mental battle often becomes a battle of extreme depression, chance of overdose if they relapse, and suicide.

If a person is addicted to cocaine and their addiction is out of control, they need help to overcome their addiction. There are different avenues for cocaine treatment.

They can vary from at home solutions to in-patient rehab, all depending on the person and the severity of the addiction. Because cocaine works on the brain, it is imperative that others are involved in the recovery process. Help is necessary because it takes a complete lifestyle change, needing guidance and encouragement.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Enterline