Tuesday, June 5, 2012

All About Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

By Jake Alexandre

Today bio identical hormone replacement has become quite popular and every year millions of people opt for it. Bio identical hormone replacement is not a new science or therapy and has been practiced since the early 19th century. Bio identical, as the name implies are exactly the same hormones that are produced in the human body. The difference is that these hormones have been extracted from organic matter like yams and soya and their molecular structure has been altered to match those of which the human body produces naturally.

As men and women go through life, aging problems start to occur, the most common effects are; mood swings, depression, stress, sleeplessness and restlessness. They are unable to concentrate on their work. Productive work which needs full application of the mind becomes impossible due to imbalance of hormones. Women have to bear the problems during menopause as well as pre and post menopause symptoms like vaginal dryness, low sex derive hot flashes and irritation due to heavy bleeding are some of the common symptoms. Men get fed up and frustrated due to sleeplessness, erectile dysfunction and increase in body fats with decreased muscle mass. Both men and women feel less energetic while doing any work and they feel tired even after very little work.

Bio identical hormone replacement is not limited to women as is a common belief. Even men go for bio identical hormone replacement. Women experience problems when they are at the menopause stage as the body stops producing the two most important female hormones, which are estrogen and progesterone. The symptoms of menopause are several like; vaginal irritation, lack of sex drive, hot flashes, restlessness, fatigue, mood swings and a general feeling of depression. In fact some women seek psychiatric help thinking that it's not a physical but a mental problem that they are experiencing. Men who are aging and start gaining weight, losing muscle mass and thinning of hair, and a lack of sex drive, generally shrug of the symptoms as aging and don't consider bio identical hormone replacement. But in recent years the trend has changed and many men today are opting for bio identical hormone replacement as well.

With a number of advantages there are some disadvantages as well. These are increase in body hair in women. Headaches are another big problem due to replacement of bio identical hormones. With this replacement men get acne and more oil on their face and body. Women with breasts cancer should never go for bio identical hormone replacement. Moreover, both men and women with heart diseases, liver cancer, blood stroke and any other tumor should never opt for this replacement.

As the name implies bio identical, a number of people mistakenly think that it's a homeopathic treatment and they can take it on their own. This is a dangerous misconception and should never be done without proper medical supervision. There are a number of bio identical replacement clinics nowadays, and getting proper advice is easily available. If you feel the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you should consult with your doctor and follow his or her advice.

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