Thursday, June 7, 2012

How Bed Bugs Can Cause Domestic Problems

By Teresa Port

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that dwell in dark, warm, and hard-to-reach places in your house. They are also found in those areas that you don't often pay attention to like wall cracks and edges of cushions and couches. While they are not known to transmit serious diseases, their bites can cause you skin rashes and itchiness. They survive by sucking the blood of animals and even your blood while you're fast asleep.

Adult bed bugs can grow to around 4-5mm long and 3mm wide. They are like other insects too, flat and oval in shape. They are usually reddish brown in colour but change to dark red after sucking blood, which also causes their body to swell.

They seem to have their own way of feeding on your blood without you noticing it. They may have bitten already your neck, shoulder, arms, legs, ankles or your feet and sucking your blood and you won't notice it until you eventually feel the itch. When left untreated, however, these bed bug bites may result in allergic symptoms and psychological effects.

The Proper Way Of Dealing With Bed Bugs

Early detection of bed bugs' presence at your home or where you are staying is helpful as this prevents unwanted health problems. Upon discovery of their breeding place, immediately try to apply natural pest control methods that you know. This is to prevent the infestation from getting worse. Otherwise, you will find it harder to control the infestation in your home.

Mild chemicals are considered effective in killing not just newly hatched bed bug eggs but as well as adult-sized ones. These include items that you may use every day at home like isopropyl alcohol and pure ethanol. Some people also use essential oils such as sandalwood and lemon in eliminating these pests.

In case these natural methods prove insufficient, you may consider hiring pest control experts, which is really a recommended option. These people know exactly how to control or manage insects and pests other than bed bugs like mosquitoes, ants and the like. You can expect them to do a thorough inspection of your home and assess the situation. And from there, they will decide the best approach to apply.

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