Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Savior Of Your Menopause: Estriol Cream

By Jake Alexandre

Are you sick and tired about how menopause is putting a "pause" your life? Are you fed up with the irritations and hot flashes? Maybe you are having an issue with how your life seems to be turned upside down. To all the women out there who are facing these problems, do not worry, you are not alone. There are many women around the world from different family backgrounds and ethnic groups that feel the same way. Do not think of yourself as the only person facing this problem. Now that you have acknowledged that there is an issue, its best that you come up with a method to overcome it. So what solution can you figure out that is safe, healthy, and secure for your body? You can try different products, pills, and injections, but nothing can compare to a soothing luscious product known as estriol cream.

What is Estriol? Many people in the medical community over look the benefits that this hormone Estriol can bring to the body. It has been ignored by many mainstream physicians due to its weak estrogenic activity in comparison to estrone and estradiol. However, many studies suggest that estriol can offer a tremendous amount of health benefits. These benefits are not accompanied by the dangers that usually come from using synthetic hormones. Also research shows that estriol brings benefits to bone density, heart health, multiple sclerosis, as well as postmenopausal urinary tract health. Once this hormone is administered topically using the estriol cream it helps to fight against symptoms of menopause.

Only four milligrams of usage is required every day, or if you healthcare professional would direct you otherwise. There are many benefits as to using this cream rather than any other cream product, or pills, injections, etc. It is the gentlest option and the safest even when it comes to breast cancer concerns. Using this cream will gradually help the tissues inside and outside of the vagina. It may also be applied to the urethral tissue, and vulva. Within hours you will feel how much satisfaction will come about after the application of the cream.

Many women might feel different symptoms but it depends upon other significant factors. This might be related to their lifestyle in regards to diet, physical activity, genetic history, and environmental factors. However, what is the best treatment that a woman should take in order to overcome these symptoms. They bring a disturbance in women's lives, from aspects to mental health and sexual satisfaction.

However, their low productions in the body have brought about several benefits for us. As the saying states, never under estimate the weakling. This so called "weak" hormone, packs a punch when it comes to maintaining a healthy body. Research suggests that if applied topically in the form of estriol cream it decreases the risk of hormone dependent cancers of the breast and uterine lining.

Many women begin to see appealing results in just a few weeks. The cream will help tissue inside as well as outside the vagina. This cream can also be applied directly to the vulva and urethral tissues as well.

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