Thursday, March 1, 2012

so happy: Don’t Travel Hungover.

Planes and hangovers don’t mix. If this unfortunate situation has happened to you, there is no reason to further elaborate. If on the off chance you have never experienced such misery, keep the following in mind before you agree to go out the night before a flight:

Dealing with luggage when you are in top form is a pain in the ass. When you are hungover, it is a complete and utter nightmare. You will drop things. You will get frustrated. You will want to cry. Secondly, airport food is not consistent. You never know what you are going to get. So, if you are in the wrong terminal, your options may be limited to seafood or salad. Clearly, neither of which is going to get you from coast to coast without some tummy problems. Finally (and most importantly) you don’t want to be that girl. Trust, people can tell you had a rough night when you are typing with your sunglasses on, holding three different beverages, and checking the flight status map every five minutes.  

So rich. So skinny. So happy.

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